Chapter 13: Fake Bank account (2)

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My days have never been so peaceful lately, so much so that it was hard to believe. I can't help but think that this was the quiet before the storm. Soon enough, God dog will make their move on Central Seoul. Johan had already reached out to me. Even Hyeon is telling me that his second in command is already surveilling us from behind the scenes.

....come to think of it, Hyeon has been making less and less of an appearance. Usually, he's bothering me ever chance he gets...

Ah, whatever I'll think abut it later, I have bigger problems to worry about...

"So Haneul, tell us about America" I diverted my attention to Zoe who was very curious to know about my life abroad. "I bet everyone in New York wears trendy clothes that are seen in magazines" I can see the twinkle in her eyes when talking about America, is it her dream to go there? I mean we are in fashion dept. so of course she'll be curious of the trends in other countries.

I shared some of my experiences during my time touring the world, they weren't that different from the countries in my previous life. Or at least I think so, since I never really been outside of America.

The other day I also talked with Jiho. I hope that was enough for me to get through to him. I already did my best during the times I had with him. It's out of my hands now, he will have to make that decision on his own. 

This will also serve as confirmation for me.

Whether or not I can alter the plot, Hyeon hasn't been of much help lately. I just want him to not do anything he will regret in the future. 

When class ended and the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. As usual the group made their way to the cafeteria to eat together. "Haneul! where you going let's go"

"Just a second" I made my way over to Jiho who was on his phone, I put my arm over his shoulder and invite him over to lunch. I was able to take a quick glance on his phone and saw a picture of him with a several people.

"I'll be right there" he says and leaves the classroom walking over to the other direction from the canteen


.....was he drinking..?




I couldn't take my mind off it, even after lunch. I recognized only one of those people in the photo, and that was...


....his name was James, right? Oh, whatever, that creepy guy in the yellow jacket. It was all his fault that everything turned out the way it was. That fucking psycho disgusts me...

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see who it was.

'Are you ok?'

It was Jay, "Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?" he pointed over to the pencil that I unintentionally snapped in two. I didn't notice that I broke it until he pointed it out. 

"...I just have a lot on my mind is all" I give an apologetic smile for making him worry. But he still had that worried look. Fortunately, he didn't question me any further.

I need to cool my head a little....

I texted Garam that I wanted to walk home today and he accepted it. Four years by my side, he understood whenever I wanted him to give me some space to think. Of course, he doesn't let me go unless he has some reassurance, and this little trinket. 

I held the earrings that were most of the time covered by my hair. They were tracking devices, only accessible to Garam in case of emergencies. 

Sure, it's uncomfortable for some people for others to know every place they've been to at which time. But I trust him, and a relationship without trust is easily broken. He has never broken my trust, he's proven that more times than I can count.

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