~Chapter 2~

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AN: this is basically what the portal looks like but scaled down and the background scenery is different obviously. You can imagine it differently if you want to but this is how I envisioned it. Anyways, on to the story!

Upon entering the portal, you are engulfed into a bright light. As you take a few steps forward the light becomes less intense as you pry your eyes open and gasp at the sight before you.

The whole area looks as though it goes on forever, with no defined walls or ceiling. The only thing keeping you from straying off into the void of foreverness is the illuminated path on the ground. If you were crazy you would imagine that the floor was made purely out of light, but then again you are going to a whole other dimension so it couldn't be that far fetched.

The whole area around you looked like a galaxy, stars and tiny versions of galaxies and universes everywhere you look. You know that in your dimension there are 12 universes, being around Whis when he comes to your mom for food or to deliver news has made you find out this information. But now looking around you as you pass by all these universes that look so small you could fit a dozen in your hand, it makes you realize how large everything truly is. How there are infinite dimensions out there and each one has many universes. And here you thought the earth was big.

Lost in thought and in the scene of it all. You are brought back from your trance by the sudden bright light approaching up ahead. A little ways down the path now is a bright light like when you first entered the portal, and it's the same shape and size as the entrance. Knowing this must be the exit, you pick up your pace and are once again engulfed in a blinding light.

Once the light has died down yet again, you feel the cool breeze blow through your hair, and the faint smell of forestry fills your nose and you look to find yourself in the woods of this unknown place. Stepping off of the portal platform that was sure to have not been there before your arrival, you look around and see nothing but trees.

As your mother has told you before, you could look around a little to see what it was like here. Although this was only a test to see if the portal worked you thought you might as well get the most out of your experience.

Deciding what the best thing to do is, you started walking straight knowing that going in a bunch of different directions could get you lost.

After walking away from the portal for a good 10 minutes you come across an opening in the trees that has a dirt path.

"Well this must be a hikers trail." You mumble to yourself looking down each side of the path.

Now the question is which way to go, surely one way could potentially lead to civilization. Being able to sense energy really comes in handy at this time. Sensing out where the people are you decide to go down the trail to the right from which you came. But not leaving before blasting a small hole through one of the trees going in the direction you came from. This will serve as your marker for later on to know when you went far enough on the trail and it's time to go through the trees again.

After walking down the trail for about another 15 minutes or so you come to another clearing but this one leads to the opening of a park. In the distance outside from the park you see some small buildings and a street.

"This must be on the very edge of the city. Explains why it changes into the woods so suddenly" you mumble to yourself making your way over to the street and out of the park.

Walking down the street, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly special, until you run across a group of civilians also walking on the city sidewalks. They have different mutations all over their bodies that make them look kinda scary. With sharp looking teeth and skin that resembles that of rock. The only one that looks somewhat normal is a boy around your age in the middle of the group with black hair and a scar over his eye. He has the same sharp teeth as the rest of the group, but his skin appears normal.

Only making brief eye contact with him as you pass along, you wonder if it is completely normal for people here to have mutations.

Now fully in the city from some more walking you walk by a store and peer in through the window. Only to find that the store is being held up in a robbery.

Shocked and about to act you were alerted not to by a group that appeared to be dressed as super heroes. There was a man who appeared to be made out of wood and some other guy who had rather large hands with caution tape around the large bracelets on his wrists.

There were some other people outside as well that looked like side kicks to these guys.

In a matter of only a few minutes, the robbers were apprehended and led to police cars.

The whole thing seemed like a comic book. Maybe that's what this dimension is, just the real life version of a hero comic.

After exiting the swarm of people, you wander around aimlessly for a good 20 minutes. You realize by now that you have just exited the city as the buildings and traffic has significantly died down, and now you are walking up hill on the sidewalk along the road.

Looking over the top of the hill as the ground levels out, you spot a large building in the shape of an H with a large wall completely surrounding it.

At the front entrance, and only opening in the wall, you see a bustle of kids around your age entering. They're all wearing different uniforms, but that's not what makes them all look unique.

Most of them look to have some special characteristic that looks like a super power or a mutation. Confirming your theory from earlier that people like the group from earlier are completely normal here.

Deciding to see what all the commotion was about, you approached the large gate opening and walked through.

AN: Merry Christmas y'all!! Sorry for cutting the chapter on the spot I did. I just didn't want it to get too long. The next chapter will be out soon though!

A Fighters Spirit (Katsuki Bakugo x Female Saiyan Reader)(MHA x DBZ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now