~Chapter 21~

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"It was nice meeting you Bakugo, hope to see you again sometime!"

Your mother waves at you both as you go through the portal once again. It's now later in the evening and you want to get Bakugo back home before it gets too late.

You said you would spend the night back at your home in your dimension, but the least you could do is walk him home.

"Bye mom! I'll be back in a little while"
She nods in your direction and turns on the portal.

You both walk through it, it's silent between the two of you but it's not awkward at all, it's a comfortable silence. Like everything feels just right.

Emerging through the other end of the portal you both step down from the platform and start to make your way through the forest.

"I don't need you to walk me home like some weakling" he huffed out with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Although his words seem harsh his face is rather soft at the moment.

"I know but I want to, I would feel bad if I made you walk all the way back home alone after I dragged you along before" you look down feeling your cheeks get warm against the cold night air. It feels weird but you really do just like to spend time with him, even if all you're doing is walking in silence.

He glances at you for a second and clicks his tongue, but his cheeks flush slightly nonetheless. "You're such a dumbass"

"Ugh- hey! Say's the human pomeranian!" You cross your arms and stick your tongue out at him playfully.

"THE HELL DID YOU SAY?! ILL KICK YOUR ASS!" now you've done it, he's got mini explosions popping off in his hands as he scowls harsher than before.

"You'll have to catch me first!" You sprint down the forest path, unable to contain your laughter.

"DAMN IT GET BACK HERE!" and just like that he's sprinting after you, ready to murder you.

~Time skip~

After running for a while, you purposely go slow and eventually fly circles around him, literally, you gave up seeing as he struggled enough.

He fought you on it for a minute but eventually decided he would "settle the score later" you both continue walking towards his home which wasn't too much farther now since you both ran for a good distance.

Coming up to his house, he walks up to the door "hey um, thanks for coming with me today. You didn't have to but you did anyways so... Thank you." He turns back to look at you, you stand there twiddling your fingers with a small blush on your cheeks.

He blushes in return, clicks his tongue and looks away "I didn't do shit so there's no need for that sentimental crap.... It wasn't half bad anyways." He mumbles the last part but you're able to just barely hear it.

You giggle a little at his words, "I'm glad I can trust you with my secret Bakugo." You walk up to him a little nervous and kiss his cheek. It lingers for only a few seconds but it feels like forever. Taking a step back you look at him and smile "good night bakugo" and with that you jump up and fly back to the woods to go home.

~Bakugo's POV~

She flies off after pulling shit like that?! My face is super warm and I can feel my heart beating faster than it should be. Tch what the hell is with that girl?!

I stare off where she flew away from, I've never had a feeling like this before and I don't know what the hell it is. God I feel weak whenever she's around. Tch.

I pull my keys out of my pocket and open the door "IM HOME YOU OLD HAG!"


~2nd person POV~
~Time skip~

It is now Monday morning, a new day for school. You spent the night at your house in your home dimension on Saturday and came back to this dimension Sunday night so you could be ready for school on Monday.

Arriving in your classroom a little early you sit there on your phone waiting for class to start.

Students filter in here and there giving a small good morning, but it's too early in the morning for some people to have a conversation so they just go to their designated seats.

Eventually Bakugo comes in and your heart skips a beat. What the hell was that?! You don't know why but as soon as you saw him a blush came to your face. Was it because of the other night? It was a simple thank you kiss right? OH GOD DID I MAKE THINGS AWKWARD?!

"Oi, what the hell are you staring at Goldie" he is now standing in front of your desk, apparently in your internal panic you have been staring at him. You look at his face and see that he himself has a small blush and a tiny pout.


"I wasn't staring! I-I zoned out!" You cross your arms and look to the side sporting your own pout.

He chuckles a little and smirks "sure you weren't" and so he wanders off to his own desk.


Luckily Mr Aizawa comes in and starts up class. You can't really pay attention however as you are trying to figure out what is going on with your feelings.

~Time skip~

Class will be over in a few minutes meaning it's time to go to lunch.

"Oh right, class before I dismiss you all I have an announcement. The annual UA sports festival will be taking place in 2 weeks, which means you all need to train your hardest to do well."

The class mumbles some things to each other "but sir, is it really a good idea to be holding a sports festival after the villain attack?

"The school feels as though it will show how prepared we are, also this event will help you get scouted out by pros. If you're serious about becoming a hero this is something you can't afford to miss."

A Fighters Spirit (Katsuki Bakugo x Female Saiyan Reader)(MHA x DBZ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now