~Chapter 3~

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This place sure did make you feel tiny.

Walking to the front of the large H shaped building and entering one of the three doors, you find yourself in what appears to be the main corridor of a school.

Makes you wonder the type of budget this place has to make a school so huge.

At the back wall of the main room, there are a few tables with some adults wearing costumes sitting behind them. There are papers and boxes around them on the table and underneath by their feet. There signs taped onto the ends of the table saying to check in there.

After waiting in line for a little while you are greeted by the warm smile of a woman wearing and a rather risque costume. Her dark purple hair looking beautiful in contrast to the cream colored outfit and slim red mask.

"Hello! What is your last name deary?" She asked with the slight tilt of her head as she pulled a box in front of her. Most likely with name cards of students checking in.

"Umm Briefs... But I don't think I'll be in there. I didn't register or anything before hand." You were confused but knew that since there was a check in and asking for your name there had to be some sort of event going on.

"Oh alright then your going to want to check in over there. They have a separate section for the people that were home schooled or didn't get a chance to check in beforehand." She pointed off to a singular table with only a stack of paper on the table and one person sitting behind it.

"Oh alright, thank you very much!.... Umm if you don't mind me asking....what is the thing I'm signing up for?" You asked cautiously. Obviously you gotta know what you're getting yourself into, and there's not really a discreet way of asking to avoid suspicion.

". . . You're signing up for the UA entrance exam. . ." She dead panned. Giving you the most dead of expressions that asked 'is she really serious?'

"Umm right sorry I just kinda... forgot. I uhh.. have short term memory loss?" You said in your best attempt to play it off. But failed miserably due to your nerves and embarrassment of not knowing something so painfully obvious to everyone else.

She gives a long sigh and shoos you away to the other table to check in.

Time skip~

Now over your embarrassment from earlier and seated in a large auditorium, you await for this exam to start.

You have no idea what it's gonna be like. But having faith in yourself, you feel as though you can take on any challenge. Your mother homeschooled you. And although she didn't teach you herself, other than a few things here and there, she did get the best of the best, same with your two siblings.

After sitting down in thought for a few minutes as people filled the large room, you felt the presence of someone approaching you.

Looking up to see a girl with long green hair tied into a bow at the end, and a frog-like tongue hanging from her mouth.

She points down to the empty seat next to you. "Do you mind if I sit here? everywhere else is filling up pretty fast."

"Oh sure go right ahead" you gave her a sweet smile as she seemed like a nice person to hang out with. Even if she was only sitting there because there weren't many options, it was nice to know that you had someone kind sitting next to you in this crazy dimension you were in.

"I'm y/n Briefs by the way, it's nice to meet you"

"Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu" she gave you a sweet smile introducing herself to you as well.

After chatting with her for a few minutes, realizing you were right in thinking she was a kind person and a good seat neighbor, a loud voice rang throughout the rooms. Honestly it startled you quite a bit but you tried not to show it, it seemed like Tsu had the same reaction.

After the announcements on how this whole thing would go down, and finding out it's a practical exam where you get to fight robots, you were all excused from the auditorium to head to buses for your designated exam field.

It was sad to say bye to Tsu, since she was in a different exam field than you. But you were pretty excited to be able to fight.

As a Saiyan it was in your blood to fight, so this would be sure to be pretty fun. Shouldn't be too much of a challenge though since your normal training consisted of 1 on 1 fighting with your dad or brother. Your mom made robots for you to fight before, but they ended up turning into scrap metal after only about five minutes.

Getting on the bus going to your designated field you find one of the few empty seats next to an ash blond. He's looking out the window with his chin in his palm, but takes a side glance at you when he feels the presence of someone sitting next to him.

He doesn't say anything as he watches you take a seat. Only scoffing to himself and looking back out the window.

Mentally you debate on whether you should call him out on his rude behavior or not. I mean neither of your parents would take that kind of attitude silently, and it's not like they raised you to take shit from people.

"Umm I'm sorry, is there a problem?" You try your best to keep a cheery smile on but your irritation shines through.

"I would just rather not have to sit next to some 2-bit extra." He says in a deep husky voice, not even looking back at you.

"Extra?!" At this point you were simply flabbergasted. After a brief moment of shock your irritation came back ten fold, and this time not even an attempt to hide it was made.

Just as you were about to open your mouth to retaliate, he spoke before you, cutting you off

"I don't give a shit if you're offended or whatever. I don't got time to be messing around with weaklings like you." He says cockily, still not bothering to look at you.

"Oh really. Is that so." Your irritation from before now becomes a challenging smirk, almost one that screams 'try me'.

"If you say I'm so weak then why don't you prove to me that you're so amazing. Cus all I see right now is a Pomeranian spewing nonsense in hopes to scare me off."

"THE HELL DOD YOU SAY ILL KICK YOUR ASS!" Now stood up in front of his seat with palms up creating tiny popping sparks, kinda like a firecracker.

"Calm down and I'll make you a deal. We'll make this a competition. Say we both get in and pass the exam, the person that scores the highest gets the bragging rights and owes the other lunch for a week."

To that he sat back down grumbling under his breath, but eventually sighed and gave in.

"Alright fine you got a fucking deal. Just know that I'm gonna win and be the number one hero!" He says with his thumb pointing up to himself and the cockiest smirk ever playing on his lips.

"Alright it's on. Oh just so you know, my name is y/n Briefs, so that way when you see that name in first place you'll know it's me" him being cocky is kinda egging you on to do the same so now you are sporting your own smirk with your arms crossed in front of you.

"Katsuki Bakugo. I'm gonna destroy you."

And with that the bus came to a halt as you all stepped off and started stretching in your own little spaces, getting ready for the exam to begin.

A Fighters Spirit (Katsuki Bakugo x Female Saiyan Reader)(MHA x DBZ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now