~Chapter 5~

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"huh? Oh there you are! You were gone for a while, let's get you some food while you tell me what it was like!" Your mother spotted you walk through the portal from your trip and enter her lab. Whatever she was doing at her work desk now abandoned as she speeds towards you full of excitement and ushers you out of the room alongside her.

Entering one of the many lounge rooms in the building, this one having a couch, some arm chairs, a coffee table, and a small tv, you both sit down on the couch next to each other.

Your grandmother, Bikini Briefs (yes that's her actual name I looked it up), brought in a tray with 2 plates and some cups. Each plate adorning a nice sandwich and both of your respective favorite chips, both cups having f/d. It was a last minute request by your mom, so it was a quick and easy meal but still bound to be good.

"Ok so mom I have a question, how long was I gone for?" You ask curiously and take a bite of your sandwich.

"Hmm well you left around 7 this morning and it's now noon so about 5 hours"

"Alright so it seems that time is the same here and in the other dimension."

"So tell me what it was like! You still haven't told me anything!" She shifts her body on the couch to look at you excitedly. In this instance you can hardly believe that she's the adult between the two of you. She looks like a child when someone is about to tell them a story.

You couldn't help but share her giddiness as you start to recall all of today's events.

"Honestly it was really cool! So the portal was kinda like a long hallway but everything was all galaxy-like in there. Oh and there wasn't an actual floor it was just light that you were able to walk on it was weird. The other dimension itself was pretty cool too, it was kinda like a comic book. There were people with super powers everywhere like it's totally normal."

And so you continued to explain the details of your trip to your mother. Going over the first encounter you had with people and seeing their mutations, finding UA and signing up to take the exam, meeting Tsu and becoming friends. You even went over your challenge you made towards Bakugo and what it was like for you to actually take the exam. Looking back at everything now a lot has happened in the span of a day.

"So did you just take a high school entrance exam for fun or what?" Her question broke your thoughts as you realized what she meant.

You had indeed done it purely for fun, but now thinking about it there is the high possibility that you will actually be accepted to join. But what will you do.

It was time for you to start high school anyways, but you were more than likely just gonna be homeschooled again anyways. But you did want to try out an actual school so maybe this could work out.

Plus you made a bet with Bakugo, you can't back out now.

"Well at first it was just for fun, but thinking about it now I do want to actually go. I was thinking about going to an actual high school this year anyways rather than homeschooling."

Contemplating your words, your mother looks at you for a solid minute before sighing.

"Alright, it seems like this is something you really want so I'll allow it. Plus I know it's safe going through the portal and I have those coordinates for that dimension saved. I'm not sure how your father will react to this though."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Just as your mother finished that sentence you see him passing by the open door and walk in.

~Time skip~

After explaining the whole story to your father, but with considerable less details, you told him about your decision to go to school there.

The whole time you were explaining he was just sat in the arm chair to the side of you with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Not speaking a single word until you were finished.

But rather than actually speaking words he did a simple 'hmph' and stood up.

"You are capable of making your own decisions, it doesn't matter to me."

And with that simple statement he starts to walk away.

Now to most people that would seem like he doesn't care and makes it seem like he's a neglectful father. However, you know that's not the case. In his wording you can tell that he's basically saying 'I trust in your decisions, I won't stop you from doing this if it's what you want to do.' but his pride won't allow him to actually say that.

Now filled with a new vigor of joy you hop out of your seat and tackle your father into a hug from behind, just stopping him at the doorway.

"Thank you dad" you mumble softly against his back. Unlike with your mother it was more rare to show affection to your father.

He places a hand on top of your head in a way to reciprocate your hug. The contact makes you peer your head up to see him have a slight smile on his face and softened eyes. He gives you a slight nod of his head and starts to walk sliding out of your grasp.

You smile inwardly at yourself at the little interaction. Moments like those with your dad were rare, so you appreciate every single time something like it happens.

Your mother, still sitting on the couch who was watching the whole scene play out, now stands up and walks towards you. Placing a hand on your shoulder and smiling down at you.

"I think you should get some rest you had a long day"

"Ya your probably right" beginning to walk away you stop for a second and turn around to hug your mom "thanks mom"

She is shocked for a second but immediately returns your hug. You both linger there for a moment before she gives you a small squeeze and pulls away. "Any time sweetie don't mention it."

And so you retire to your room, immediately flopping onto your bed. You scroll mindlessly on your phone for a while, not really paying attention and only thinking about everything that happened today. But also thinking about all the things that could happen in the future when you actually attend school there.

After a couple of hours of doing whatever, you decide to call it a night. So you grab some pajamas, take a quick shower and go to bed. Falling asleep contently and excited for the future.

AN: happy new years!! After the craziness of everything happening in 2022 let's all try to have good times going into the new year!

A Fighters Spirit (Katsuki Bakugo x Female Saiyan Reader)(MHA x DBZ Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now