The Surrogate

68 8 4

Supporting elbow with a hand

he put a finger to his lips

contemplating something

only he could see.

The question he'd been asked

was never once rehearsed

and hence the quandary

how to still receive his fee.

He'd been hired to respond

at the administrator's dinner

for the incumbent politician

then running in his riding.

Party platform issues that were

creating quite a stir 

led to using him as surrogate

while the candidate tried hiding.

Now the question that he pondered

required wit and daring

and in absence of results

he would swallow his expenses.

Realizing now how he'd been used

he cleared his throat and faced the crowd

addressing them in ringing tones

started mending many fences.

Response was great

the attendees cheered

an electric thrill went through the room

and he suddenly forgot the fee.

Caught up in the moment

his name chanted by the crowd

and forgetting the incumbent

he shouted, 'Vote for Me'!

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