Resolution (the right to choose)

91 11 14

 An onshore breeze ruffled the feathers

of the lone gull standing firm in the sand

clouds merged, forming and reforming

their abstract identity on a blue sky canvass

grey water with dull frosted tips

slapped the wet sand along the shore

he sat on the wooden bench pondering

questions demanding his attention

how far to go how long to stay

energy arcing in his brain

short circuiting with extended effort

answers scattered as the ripples

on the wind-teased surface of the water

flash renderings jolt the retina

a jumble of electronic signals

then sudden clarity on a stark milieu

breath sucked in

an abrupt pressure change

the breeze abated and the waves ebbed

clouds replaced by a golden aura

the lone gull rose majestically

hovering in graceful posture above his head

it was time, he knew

and had known for a long time before

as he raised his arms the gull embraced his form

and he felt a comforting warmth rising together


nature's wicked offense cheated

from continuous assault

all seeing and at peace with self

reaching a plane of omniscience

requiring nothing more

indecision was never a valid option

he watches once more the feather ruffled gull

withstand the offshore breeze and lapping water

another traveler reaching the intersection

of mortality and everlasting consciousness

the right way, wrong way how will they know

it will be the sum of themselves to decide

personal choice is all we really own

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