The Rescue

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They rode together through the night

their challenge was a maiden's plight

both squire and master knew the peril

anxious to arrive before dawn's first light

Shod hooves thundering through dirt and weeds

hard ridden on wild eyed, foaming steeds

On the castle's parapet she'd been strolling

unaware of danger trolling

a swoop of wings and clutch of claws

the victim of an ambushed fowling

Snatched away to a cavernous, fusty lair

a place only fools and unwitting dare

Lathered and snorting, flanks lashed by reins

riders drove hard their mounts, fists clutching manes

with a teasing radiance cresting the nearing hills

the animals halted in blessed relief of their pains

An ugly black hole was the cavern's access

and the pair, weapons drawn, approached the ingress

From deep within a howl from hell

the monster's challenge, a deadly knell

tongues of flame scorched the cavern entrance

no place for fear, honour's pledge did compel

A clang of steel and a battle cry

they charged to victory no opponent could deny

Inside the cave the battle raged

both knight and squire the beast engaged

With demon screech and flailing claws

righteousness and horror waged

From the dragon's mouth a burst of flame

at the heroic knight it took its aim

Huddled in terror, the maiden cried

the knight's thrust fatal before he died

the beast collapsed with a dying shriek

in the squire both sorrow and relief denied

A long ride home, his duty done

they held cold hands and grieved as one

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