Chapter 7

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Chelsea woke up to heavy turbulence. Turns out they were landing, she looked up and saw Bucky snuggled into her. He woke up to the feeling too, but he hadn't moved. He was just smiling down at her.

"Are we here already?" She said sleepily, yawning afterwards and laying her head back down on his chest.

"I think so, doll, want me to go check?" He said, she shook her head no and tightened her grip on him. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"I'd rather just spend all day right here" she admitted.

"Me too, doll" he said with a smile, kissing her forehead.

Twenty minutes or so later they heard a knock at the door. Sam already knew not to go inside. "Were here" he said through the door and walked away. The pair groaned and got up, her legs were still a had shaky and he carried her to the bathroom again to get ready for the day. While she brushed her teeth and put on a little light makeup he combed through he curls and put a little product in them. Who taught him to take care of curls? He was a natural.

When they were both ready he gently put her on her own feet and held onto her until she was steady, the same familiar soreness lingered today. She wondered if she'd ever really adjust to his size.

They got off the plane, taking their bags with them and climbed in a fancy black car with dark tint. Zemo stared at Chelsea the entire way, without saying a word.

Bucky started to feel uneasy, he didn't know if he was enough to keep her safe in such a dangerous country, and he didn't trust that Zemo didn't have a plan for her.

The group had been in Madripoor for a few days, no danger yet. But today we were to go to a special club, The Powerbroker was supposed to be there and Zemo had a plan.

"Your girl will be perfectly safe with me, or we can leave her here." Zemo said with a smug grin.

"She stays with me" Bucky demanded.

"Then she goes as my date" Zemo said calmly.

Zemo wanted to bring Chelsea as his date and Bucky as The Winter Soldier, Sam was a guest by the name of Conrad Mack. Chelsea was more worried about Bucky than himself, she was scared that acting like The Winter Soldier would effect him. He hadn't had a single nightmare in the week they'd been together, she was scared it would bring them back.

Bucky agreed to the plan, on the condition that Zemo made it clear that The Winter Soldier was to protect Zemo's "girlfeiend" at all costs. Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to step in and protect her.

When they got to the club it was loud and crowded, Sam walked in first and Zemo was right on his tail. Chelsea hung onto his arm in a dress a little too short for her liking, Bucky was behind the pair. He was already uncomfortable with all eyes on his doll. But he had a part to play.

Zemo told the patrons of the bar that he is there on business, he is looking for the serum and shows off The Winter Soldier. Chelsea flinched when she saw Bucky snap into action after Zemo rattled off a few words in Russian. He let go of the man at Zemo's command and she felt a hand grab her arm firmly, trying to pull her away from Zemo. She squeezed his arm to gain his attention, he quickly looked over.

After a brief moment he looked at Bucky "Soldier" he said sternly while motion his head for Chelsea and the man. Bucky didn't hesitate to grab the man with his hands on his doll. He snapped the man's arm and threw him to the ground in a flash.

"Get her out of here, Soldier" Zemo called, Bucky straightened out his posture and stared at Chelsea. He wasn't sure how to maneuver this. Should he carry her away? Drag her? Hold her hand or guide her away? He was never sent to protect as The Winter Soldier. He settled on grabbing her wrist with his vibranium hand, pulling her gently out of the bar.

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