Chapter 18

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Chelsea is now 37 weeks pregnant, her bump is huge and she hasn't seen her toes in week.

Bucky does everything for her, she protests but she feels so huge and bloated all the time so she's glad to have him. She heard a knock at the door while Bucky was pouring himself a cup of coffee, she pushed herself off the couch, blanket still tightly wrapped around her and waddled to the door. He chuckled at her, he loved her little wobble but he watched her closely to make sure she was steady.

She opened the door to see Peter and Yelena staring back at her. She was so happy to see them but she knew what that meant, Bucky had a mission. He stopped telling her about mission ahead of time. She asked him to, she would just cry until Peter or Clint showed up. She didn't want him to go, she never did anymore. But she knew he was a hero, she couldn't hog him to herself. Although he offered to retire, she didn't want him to give up saving the world for her. She got him to agree to retire when baby #3 would be on the way. So she had plenty of time.

Yelena stepped in first, their foreheads gently meeting, she was much softer with Chelsea in this state. Peter however wrapped her in a hug, laying his head on her shoulder. Chelsea felt a rough kick to her stomach and almost dropped to the floor. Peter had her in his arms before that could happen and Bucky was at her side in a second.

Chelsea forgot Peter was also strong, she has trouble seeing him as anything but a kid. But he had her, he held her against him until she gained her footing and stood on her own again, rubbing her stomach.

"Did she kick you, love?" Bucky said sympathetically, rubbing her stomach with his flesh hand.

"Yes, hard. It's that serum of yours" she said with a laugh. They both knew the baby had some of the serum in her, they took Chelsea to Wakanda a few months ago for tests her regular doctor wouldn't even know about. But the baby was healthy and she wasn't hurting Chelsea aside from her kicks.

"I promise I'll be home before she comes, my love" he said as he led her to the couch and helped her sit. Yelena and Peter quickly found spots at each side of her. Bucky kneeled down in front of her, both his hands on her knees. She had her fingers through his hair lightly.

"Whats the mission?" She said, staring down at him.

"There's a guy in New York, Frank Castle. He's on a killing spree. He's not a super soldier but he's highly trained." He reached up and cupped her face in his hands.

"I'm told He's a good man, he's seeking revenge on the men who murdered his wife and kids" he almost choked up, he couldn't imagine how this man felt. He would go crazy too if anyone dared take Chelsea from him.

"Don't kill him" she said softly, moving her hand to hold his face. "He needs love, not violence" she said. He nodded, but he had to be stopped.

Chelsea caught up with Peter and Yelena while Bucky packed a quick bag, Sam showed up to grab Bucky and let himself inside. Chelsea tried to jump up to hug him but she can't do that anymore, she normally rolls off the couch or Bucky pulls her up.

Sam saw her struggle and laughed, he had pity on her and came over, grabbing her arms by her elbows, pulling her up with her help. He hugged her softly and pulled away a moment later.

"Any day now, right? Do you want me to leave Buck at home?"

"I still have 3 weeks, Sam. It's okay, just make sure he comes home to us" she felt herself choke up. She knew Bucky was safe, she knew he always came home. But she always worried. It was a relief to find out that this Frank guy wasn't a super soldier though.

Bucky and Sam said their goodbyes, Bucky kissed Chelsea and got down on his knees to kiss her stomach, holding it gently.

"Don't you try coming out until I'm home." He kissed her stomach several times while rubbing it gently. "I mean it Candice Natalia Barnes"

Chelsea smiled down at him, she felt so lucky he wanted to give their baby Natasha's birth name as her middle name. It was a way to keep her close. Candice was Bucky's idea, he saw it in a movie and knew it was meant to be.

Bucky stood up and wrapped her in his arms, resting his head on top of hers. He didn't want to go, he was so worried the baby was going to come while he was gone and he refused to miss the birth.

"I love you, babygirl" he said into her hair. She smiled and looked up at him "I love you, my Greek god" Bucky laughed and leaned his head down to kiss her again before heading out with Sam.

It had been four days since Bucky left and Chelsea was starting to struggle, she missed him so much. Peter took the place of the muscle to help her with everything. He'd carry her around when she needed it and waited on her hand and foot. Yelena did everything she could to help but she noticed that Chelsea wasn't sleeping at night. Peter and Yelena could hear her crying. Yelena from the guest bedroom and Peter from the couch in the bedroom. They knew she missed him but didn't know how to help.

Bucky called every day to check in, Chelsea hid from him how much she was struggling without him. But he knew, she sounded tired. He tried to hurry but Castle was hiding from them. He hadn't made a move in the days since Sam and him arrived.

Chelsea was now 38.5 weeks, Bucky had been gone for 8 days. You could see the exhaustion on her face, Peter debated climbing in bed with her but wasn't sure if she'd be okay with it so he stuck to the couch a few feet from the bed. He'd carry her to the bathroom when she needed to be sick and held her hair for her during.

One night he gave up and decided to try it, Peter heard her crying and climbed in the bed beside her, over the covers. He rubbed her back softly "Don't cry, Chelsea, he will be home soon. Please sleep" he whispered in her ear, over and over until he heard her doze off. He laid there the rest of the night with her but he didn't feel right about it, Chelsea was like family to him, but he wasn't family and he didn't want to upset Bucky if he ever found out.

The next night Chelsea had finally dozed off, when she woke up she felt arms around her and someone's breath in her face. She was so excited, Bucky was home. But when she opened her eyes she saw Clint next to her, his forehead pressed against hers.

"I heard you needed me" he said. She couldn't help but smile. She needed Bucky but she knew Clint was the next best thing to help her.

"I've missed you" she said in a whisper. He kissed her forehead and started rubbing her back.

"Go to sleep, my granddaughter doesn't need to come out with bags under her eyes" he said with a laugh. "Peter is here if you need help, sleep"

Chelsea looked over and saw Peter smiling at her on the couch, she mouthed "Thank you" at him and he nodded. She was asleep moments later.

That was the best sleep she had since Bucky left.

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