Chapter 17

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Bucky woke up to a loud thud, he shot up and saw Chelsea on the floor, nothing but the moon shining in the room. He was at her side in an instant, lifting her into his arms. She must not have wanted to wake him, but she knew her legs were always jello after a rough fuck.

She had a familiar look on her face and he ran her to the bathroom, gently laying her down in front of the toilet before grabbing her hair and holding it for her. She violently threw up and was shaking like a leaf. He reached up and ripped the large towel off the hook. He wrapped it around her and rubbed her back while she continued to throw up. When she was done she laid her face on the toilet seat and he laid his face on her back.

"I'm sorry" she said through tears. He shushed her and kissed her back through the towel. His metal arm reached up and rubbed her arm.

"I've got you, babygirl, you're safe with me" he whispered over and over while rubbing her arm. "Are you okay now, love?" He said softly, she nodded and he stood up, taking her in his arms bridal style. He sat her on the edge of the bed and hurried away to grab her some water. He tried to hand it to her but she grabbed his hands instead, he held the glass for her while she guided it to her mouth and took several large sips.

He sat the water down on the nightstand and held her face in his hands. "You know you can wake me up, love" he said while staring into her eyes.

"You looked so peaceful" she whispered. He leaned down and laid his forehead on hers gently, kissing her nose.

"I'm only peaceful when you're okay, love" he moved his hands to her back and rubbed her back softly. She laid her head on his chest, her hands still tightly clenching the towel. He felt her shaking and pulled away, darting to the large closet. He came back with a soft thick pair of socks and slipped them on her. Then he quickly tossed the towel to the floor and slid her into the bed, burying her under the warm blankets. She snuggled into the blankets and reached for him, he slid in beside her and laid on his side. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her forehead.

Chelsea was quick to fall back to sleep, Bucky wasn't. He laid there and watched her, he was scared she would try to get up again. He didn't want her to fall, he didn't want to see her on the floor again. He laid there watching her for what felt like hours before finally drifting off.

Chelsea was the first to wake up, she didn't want to disturb him so she reached for the remote and turned the TV on, quickly muting it. She laid her head on his chest and watched The Shawshank Redemption with the subtitles on.

She felt him shuffle under her and then felt his strong arm wrap around her shoulders again. She looked up at him and smiled "Good morning, my Greek god" she said with a chuckle.

He smiled and leaned his head down, kissing her forehead. He started rubbing her back softly. She closed her eyes and relaxed her head on his chest, he was always comforting her in some way. He was always spoiling her with his touch.

She wasn't far into the movie, Bucky reached for the remote and took it off mute, he hated when she did that. She deserved to enjoy things, he wouldn't have cared if her favorite movie happened to be what woke him up. But he did feel quite tired, he knew he hadn't slept long. But he was happy to be there with her, with his beautiful wife laying on him. He felt her bump resting on his ribs, he loved that bump. He loved everything about her.

He drifted back to sleep happily. The TV didn't bother him, it made her happy. She noticed he was asleep and reached for the remote.

"No" he groaned sleepily. She let out a small chuckle and kissed his bare chest.

When he woke up again the movie was over and his wife was still on his chest, she was awake and watching the credits roll. He gave her a gentle squeeze and she looked up at him smiling. She had tears in her eyes.

"Babygirl, what's wrong?" He said softly, reaching down to wipe her tears away.

"Andy and Red are reunited" she said in sobs. He couldn't help but chuckle, he pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

When the pair were finally ready to get up it was after 10AM. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom, sitting her on the toilet and shutting the door behind him. He went to the closet and grabbed their clothes for the day. He grabbed a simple pair of dark jeans and a black t shirt for himself, along with his leather jacket. For her he grabbed a soft pair of black leggings and a flowy black t shirt. He also grabbed her favorite Sage green jacket, it was starting to get cold out. She was more sensitive to the cold the last few months as well.

He came back in and dressed her, carrying her downstairs and laying her on the large couch, she grabbed the green blanket from the back and threw it over herself while he warmed up breakfast.

He handed her a plate with a warm ham and Swiss croissant on it and held a cup of warm tea for her, decaf. This pregnancy made her sensitive to caffeine, but she loved having a warm drink to start her day. He sat beside her with a hot cup of black coffee and two of the croissants. When they were done eating he turned to face her.

"Babygirl, we have some errands to run today. Is that okay?" He said with a smile. She nodded and kissed him.

The pair were off within 20 minutes, he drove their family car and she rubbed her stomach from the passenger seat.

They got to town and she realized he wanted to buy stuff for the baby, she smiled wide. They hadn't bought anything yet. They wanted to wait until the found out what they were having. He filled the entire car with stuff, too much stuff. He had to call Sam to come get the rest.

When Chelsea saw Sam get out of the truck she smiled, he practically ran to her and pulled her in his arms. "This is a good look for you, Chelsea" he said with his head on her shoulder. 

Bucky and Sam loaded Sam's truck with everything else, it was a miracle it all fit. Bucky went overboard. Everything was either soft pink or Sage green. He knew exactly how she envisioned the baby's room and he was going to make sure she was blown away.

When they finished loading the truck they realized they didn't see Chelsea, Bucky was quick to call her. If she was feeling sick he wanted to help her, he always helped her.

Chelsea laughed as she answered the phone, "across the street" she said, Bucky turned around and saw an ice cream shop and her happily sitting at the bar. Her legs swinging. He nodded his head at Sam to get him to look inside, they both laughed and walked inside, sitting at each side of her.

She had a large milkshake in front of her with strawberry sauce inside. She smiled and scooped a spoonful of it out, handing it to Sam before doing the same for Bucky. "Strawberry Cheesecake flavor" she said. The men each took a bite and their eyes lit up.

Sam ordered one for himself, Bucky ordered cookies and cream. They ate, laughed and talked the whole time. Sam saw her shiver lightly first and pulled his jacket off, draping it over her. Bucky glared at him but she rested her arm on his thigh to calm him down.

When they were done with their milkshakes Sam and Chelsea headed outside, she had slipped Sam's jacket on and zipped it up. Bucky ordered a pint of that strawberry cheesecake ice cream for his lovely wife and met them outside after.

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