Chapter 5

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She woke up to the door opening, she had shuffled under the blankets by the time he had came back. He had a tray in his hands and he carefully slid under the covers next to her. He sat in the bed, his back against the headboard and put the tray in his lap.

"Doll, do you want to wake up and eat something?" He said quietly, running a hand through her hair. She was awake, but tired. She groaned and moved to sit up, he helped her and leaned her against him, his flesh arm wrapping around her with a smile.

She looked down at the tray and smiled, he somehow had her favorite things in front of him. Was he magic or just lucky? There was a large steak on the plate along with a heaping pile of garlicy mashed potatoes and roasted carrots, they smelled sweet, maybe cinnamon. There was also a dish of steamed cauliflower on the side. The entire meal smelled incredible and he had a matching plate next to it.

"I didnt know how you liked your steak, or if you even liked steak. So I went with my favorite, rare. I can take it back if you need me to" he said, he almost sounded shy. She smiled up at him and kissed his chest.

"Rare is perfect" she said. He cut the steaks for them both and they ate in comfortable silence. She couldnt finish her meal so she was done before him and laid her head on his chest while he finished. When he was done he kissed her forehead and hopped up, taking the tray with him. He was back before she even situated. Sliding off his clothes and climbing back in the bed with her. He slid her down to him and laid her on his chest, both arms wrapping around her.

Chelsea sighed happily and looked up at him, he was staring at her and smiling. "Why are you so nice to me?" She said, resting her chin on his chest.

"Because you're perfect" he said, he leaned his head down and kissed her forehead again. He started rubbing her back softly. He smiled and shuffled under her, sitting up in the bed.

"Flip over" he said happily. She sighed, she wasn't ready to have sex again, she still ached from his size. He must have read her mind cause he chuckled lightly "That's not what I'm thinking, doll, just trust me" he said. She did trust him, undeniably. She flipped onto her stomach and laid her head on the pillow. He got up and came around to the side of the bed. He spread her legs and straddled her, sitting on the bed between her legs. She sucked on a breath, she trusted him but she was sore.

He reached up with both hands and started massaging her neck. He rubbed her neck, her entire back and gently massaged her ass occasionally. She happily sighed and sunk her head into the pillow while he worked his magic. At one point he laid his metal hand on her waist while he reached up and massaged her head with his flesh hand. She groaned and smiled into the pillow. Everything he did felt so good, everything he did was perfect.

She fell asleep to the feeling of him massaging her back, she couldn't even tell how long he sat there and did that but she never wanted it to stop.

As soon as he realized she was asleep he carefully climbed out of bed, slipping his clothes back on and rolling her onto her back. She curled up in a happy little ball and held onto the pillow, smiling.

When Bucky stepped out of the bedroom and down the hallway he sighed, he didn't want to deal with Sam or Zemo but he felt bad for leaving Sam with him. It was a 24 hour flight, he couldn't avoid them forever. Luckily there were 3 bedrooms on the large plane though.

Zemo looked up and saw Bucky immediately, smiling a little.

"Ah, Soldier, where did the young girl go?" He said with a smirk. If he was trying to get under Bucky's skin it was working.

He made his way to Zemo but before reaching him Sam put his hand on Bucky's shoulder. That was enough to calm Bucky down for nowm He was the one that broke Zemo out of prison for his help. He was grateful for the help but he still hated Zemo for using him all those years ago. But he remembered what Chelsea told him, he wasn't that man anymore.

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