Chapter 19

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Bucky and Sam finally found Frank, Sam was arresting the men Frank fought as Bucky was fighting to stop Frank from killing anyone else.

Bucky could feel that Frank was holding back, he didn't want to hurt Bucky but he wanted to stop an obstacle, Bucky was an obstacle.

Frank swung at Bucky and Bucky ducked it, hearing his phone ring. His phone was set not to ring for anyone but Chelsea, Peter, Yelena or Clint since he knew her due date was nearing. He touched his ear piece to answer the call, still fighting Frank.

It was Peter, he sounded frantic. "Mr. Barnes, her water broke. She ruined a couch downstairs. We're on the way to the hospital now"

Bucky began to freak out, screw being careful with Frank. He reached out with his vibranium arm and grabbed Frank by the throat, not enough to hurt him, enough to hold him back.

"Sam, Chelsea's in labor I gotta go" he shouted into the ear piece at Sam. He felt Frank's movements stop, they made eye contact for a minute and Bucky saw a look in his eye before letting go of Frank.

"I'm not leaving you here" Bucky said to Frank.

"Then let's go" is all Frank said as he began walking. Bucky walked with him and Sam met up with the pair.

"Am I missing something here?" Is all Sam said.

"He's not missing his baby's birth" Frank said in a harsh tone. They walked to the car together and sped to the private airport. It was only a 2 hour flight and Bucky bounced his knee the entire way, he didn't want to miss it, he was so scared that he would be too late.

"Is this your first?" Frank said, Bucky nodded but didn't look up.

"You should put that metal hand in some ice, she's gonna be sweating. It would feel good on her forehead"

Why was Frank being so nice? Bucky knew Frank was a father but he was also a killer, but so was Bucky. He couldn't help but imagine himself doing the same as Frank if his family was taken from him. Bucky got up and filled a champagne bucket with ice, sticking his vibranium hand in it and leaving it their the entire flight.

When they landed Bucky hopped up, Sam stood up too. "I'll stay with Castle, go" he said. Frank shook his head and stood up. "I'm going with you" he said, it had been years since his late wife had their last baby but he remembered it fondly.

The three ran into the hospital together, seeing Peter first. "Did I miss it?" He said nervously.

Peter shook his head no and started walking towards a room, the three men followed without saying a word. Peter opened the door but stayed outside. Bucky barged in and Frank followed, Sam stayed behind. Sam didn't think Chelsea would want too many people in the room, if she did Peter would've been in there.

Bucky's face lit up when he saw her, she was laying in a bed covered in sweat, Clint was at her side holding her hand and Yelena was spoon feeding her ice chips.

"You're here!" She said happily, her entire face seemed to soften, she didn't look pained anymore, at least for a moment.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else" he said as he took Yelena's place at her side. Frank walked towards Chelsea and Clint blocked him, he didn't know who this was but assumed it was Castle.

Frank stretched out a hand to Chelsea, she took it without hesitation. "Frank Castle, ma'am" she smiled at him and squeezed his hand lightly.

"I'm sorry about your family" she said softly, her thumb tracing circles on his hand. She saw his jaw clench, Clint moved to step in front of Frank but their hands intertwined got in the way.

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