Chapter 12

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The day was already starting to get warm and the sun was barley up. It was beautiful out here and it always smelled like the ocean.

Bucky led Chelsea to his motorcycle and handed her a helmet, smiling at her. She slipped it on and climbed on the back, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso.

"You're safe with me, love" he said, leaning his head back so she could hear him over the sound of the bike. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "I always have been" she said with a smile. She laid her head on his back and took in the view of everything around her.

The drive was short and within 15 minutes they were in a small town. He parked the bike and helped her off before climbing off himself. She laid her helmet on the seat and hugged him, his hands went straight for her ass. She laughed and looked around, it was a row of stores. Clothing stores, hardware stores, everything.

"Buck, we can't fit anything on the back of a bike -" but he cut her off with a kiss, he took her hand and walked her across the street. She saw him walking her towards a car dealership and laughed. He was going to test drive a car just to take things home? We could've called Sam, it would've been easier.

"Pick one" he said with a smile.

"I don't know what all were buying, should I test drive a truck or a car?"

Bucky laughed and pulled Chelsea to his chest. "No, love, pick one" and he gazed around.

"I don't understand, Buck?" She looked lost but stared him at him. He met his eyes with hers and gave her a quick kiss.

"One of these is about to be yours, pick your favorite, love." Was all he said. Her mouth dropped, she came back from the blip with nothing, she couldn't afford a car and she certainly could ask him to buy her one.

"Before you argue with me, I got paid handsomely for stopping the spread of the serum and for stopping John Walker. I wouldn't have been involved if not for you, so it is your money too." He booped the tip of her nose with his finger and smiled at her.

"Buck, I can't let you spend that much money on me.." he just shrugged "Too bad" he said and laughed.

They walked around the lot for a while, of course several cars stood out to her, but if he insisted on doing this she wanted the cheapest car on the lot. Bucky caught on to what she was doing and stopped her in her tracks.

"I know what you're doing, doll and it's not cute" he said as he reached down and placed a firm grip on her ass before smacking it. She gasped and leaned into him.

"If you won't tell me what you like I will call Clint" he said with a smile, dammit. She forgot he could do that, she rolled her eyes and lightly smacked his chest.

"I like Audis" she said quietly, its what she grew up in, being Clints sister and growing up with The Avengers she was always being driven around in one of Tony's cars.

Bucky smiled and released her ass, grabbing her hand. He led her through the lot before spotting it, an all blacked out 2023 Audi R8. She saw the look in his eye and immediately started to pull him away.

"No, Buck, it's too much, Please.." but he didn't care, a salesmen saw the pair looking at the car and rushed out. Before he even got to his speech Bucky blurted out "I'll take it" and wrapped an arm around Chelsea's waist.

Within an hour the man was handing Bucky the keys, he held his hands up and nodded his head towards Chelsea. She took them, she was kind of mad though, that car was way too much money. How would she ever repay him?

When Bucky and Chelsea made it to the car she darted for the passenger seat, locking the door behind her. Bucky got in the driver's seat, squeezing her thigh and leaning over to her. "Doll, you're playing a dangerous game with me" he said with a dry laugh. She turned to face him and kissed his lips.

"If I don't get a say in how much you spend on me I at least want chauffeured around" she said with a laugh. Bucky smiled and released her thigh.

"Yes ma'am" he said as he started the engine. It sounded beautiful, it was beautiful. She was actually in awe that this was hers, she didnt want to admit it to him though. But he knew, of course he knew. She felt like she had every secret about her written all over her face for him.

They sped off from the lot before reaching a different town, but a similar strip of stores. The two shopped for hours, she was uncomfortable with the amount of money he was spending but he didn't care. By lunch the entire car was packed full with clothes for her, shoes and toiletries. Everything a girl could need. She requested he make a quick stop at a pharmacy and he did. She gave him a quick kiss and darted inside alone.

She was back out within 10 minutes, a smile on her face but nothing in her hands. "Birth control shot, Buck. Now we're covered for another 6 months" she said with a smile. He squeezed her thigh gently and sped off. She couldn't imagine much else would fit in this car and she also couldn't imagine needing anything else. He bought her more clothes and she's owned her entire life today.

When they reached the familiar town he parked the car behind his bike and turned to kiss her. She frowned and let out a sigh.

"Whats the matter, doll? What else would you like me to buy you?"

"Nothing! Please, you've done enough, I could never repay you for this in a thousand lifetimes" she said quickly. "I just wish I could ride home with you, I like holding onto you on the back of the Bike." She smiled at him and wiggled her eyebrows.

Bucky didn't say anything but pulled out his phone, shooting a quick text before hopping out of the car and rushing to her door, opening it and offering her a hand. She took it and climbed out of the car, she leaned to give him a quick kiss before following him home but he pulled her to the bike, locking the car behind him.

"Sam and Sarah are gonna come get it later" he said, handing her the helmet. She smiled and slipped it on, it felt incredible riding on his bike this morning, she also loved wrapping her arms around him and laying her head on his back. When she climbed on he reached back and squeezed her knee. "I love you, Chelsea" he said before speeding off.

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