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sorry for the late upload, I've been super busy. hi to all the new readers though x.

 hi to all the new readers though x

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Meeting the Devil

1 month later

Hunter and I had our entire future planned out together now especially since I was getting closer and closer to my due date. We wanted to be more prepared for when the baby actually arrived. We still didn't know the exact gender of the baby because we wanted it to be a surprise.

We were even thinking about moving out of the condo and buying a house of our own, we needed more space if we were going to be raising a baby together.

Phone call between Hunter and Eden

"One of the guys invited me out with them tonight to celebrate his birthday." Hunter said on the other side of the line.

"You're going to go, right?" I questioned him as I sat down on the bed, folding laundry. "You need more social interaction with someone else other than me." I said as I teased him.

"Just because you said that I'm definitely going now." Hunter said from the other side of the line with a sly smile.

"Maybe that was my goal here, did you ever think about that?" I questioned him as I folded one of his shirts.

Hunter and I sat on the phone for about another hour and a half before we both eventually hung up.

End of the phone call between Hunter and Eden

After work I went straight to the nightclub that Asher was hosting his birthday "party" at

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After work I went straight to the nightclub that Asher was hosting his birthday "party" at. I didn't have time to go home and change or else I would've been late, and I don't like being late especially to events. I guess you can call me some sort of perfectionist.

I walked into the nightclub and started to look around. Drunk women and men filled the dance floor as they grinded up against each other, music blasting through the speakers that bounced off the walls, and flashing lights that could cause anyone with epilepsy to have a seizure.

I immediately wanted to leave.

I didn't want to seem like an asshole that doesn't stick to his word. I let out a deep sigh as I walked towards the bar. I leaned closer to the bartender as I approached him.

"Has a guy by the name of Asher Reeds been here yet?" I questioned him as I raised my voice so he could hear me over the music.

"He has a private section in the VIP lounge, it's over there." The bartender said as he spoke to me, nodding his head in the direction of the VIP section.

I walked towards the VIP section as I approached the bouncer that was guarding the door. Before I could say anything, he opened the door for me.

I guess I was the last guest to be expected.

"Hunter, you made it." Asher said to me with a sly grin. He was definitely drunk. The room smelled of alcohol and mustiness. There were girls in every corner, none of whom I knew or had seen before.

"Yeah, of course I told you I would come." I said as I spoke loudly so he could hear me.

There was also another man in the room, he was a bit older, and I've never seen him at the company before. I analyzed him as I felt his eyes on me as well.

"Oh, this is Mr. Giordano." Asher said as he approached me, placing his hand on my shoulder as he raised his voice. "He's the owner of this nightclub." He said as he looked at me with a sly smile.

"I've heard a lot about you." He said as he finally stood up, approaching me as well. "I'm Xander Giordano, Eden's father." He said simply as if he was trying to get a reaction out of me.

"What?" I question him with a confused expression on my face.

"Let's have a chat outside for a moment, yeah?" He questioned me as he leaned over me, speaking in my ear.

He led the way, and I followed behind him. I didn't know what to think or what to do next. Was this actually Eden's father or was this some type of joke? How did Asher even know him or meet him?

We made our way into an alley behind the nightclub. I was starting to feel uneasy, and my nerves were starting to get the best of me.

"Now, that we have some peace and quiet I can explain to you what's going on." Xander said as he looked at me. His bodyguards followed us outside and surrounded us. I'm not sure why because I never saw myself as a threat to anyone.

"I found out Eden was my daughter last month, I got in contact with some of her employees and I heard about you." He said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You set this up for Asher just to meet me?" I questioned him with a confused expression. "Why?" I questioned him once more.

"You're about to find out." He said as a sly smile appeared across his lips.

One of his bodyguards approached me, punching me in the face, and placing a black bag over my head.

I groaned from the pain as I felt a stinging sensation around my nose. Blood dripping down my nose and onto my lips.

"You broke my fucking nose!" I yelled out. "Help me someone, please!" I yelled out again as I felt the bodyguard lift me up, carrying me, and place me into a space that felt like the back of a car.

I was in the fucking trunk of a car.

"No, don't please." I said as I pleaded. "I can get Eden to talk to you." I yelled out.

"I like to make things complicated." I heard Xander's voice in the distance. "Close it." He said as he spoke to his bodyguard.

Before I could say anything else the trunk was slammed shut.

How did I get myself into this situation?

Yeah, don't hate me, but I had to spice it up a bit because I was getting bored and tired of all the affection

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Yeah, don't hate me, but I had to spice it up a bit because I was getting bored and tired of all the affection. Now, it's time for some drama x.

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