Chapter 12

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Luigi, Nancy, and Barry sat in the Nancy's living room. Thomas and Cheryl thought Luigi was getting groceries. Technically that wasn't a lie. Luigi was going to get groceries, he just had to do this first. Nancy was standing ominously in the corner of the room. She looked oddly frightening when she wasn't smiling. Barry was sitting on the couch awkwardly, like he didn't know what to do.

"Barry are you sure you're ready to enter The Oven?" Nancy asked. Barry nodded.

"I just have one more question," He said. Luigi sighed. Barry's constant confusion was startingto get annoying. "How are you going to get The Order of the Slice's guard uniform?" Barry asked. Luigi stifled a laugh. The "uniform" was actually just a black shirt, blue pants, and a black belt. It was a very simple outfit.

"We can just go buy it, Nancy might even have something like that in her closet." Luigi said. Nancy scurried off to her and Gertie's room. She returned a moment later holding a black shirt, some blue pants, and a black belt. "D-do you think they'll fit?" Luigi asked. Nancy looked at the clothes, then back at him.


Luigi decided not to be offended by that.

"So when do we-uh-do all this?" He asked.

"Now," Nancy replied. "We need find out where Gertie is before something happens to her."

"N-now?" Luigi asked. What about Thomas? What about Cheryl? He needed to come up with a believable lie. He had so much to do. He had so little time. His breath quickened.

"I-I need to-I" He stuttered. "I need to say goodbye to Cheryl and Thomas one in case I-" He cut off. In case he didn't come back. The Order of the Slice was a ruthless society, there was a good chance Luigi would never return. "Can I-uh-have a day to-um-sort everything out?" He asked. Nancy nodded.

"We meet back here tomorrow." She said. Barry nodded. Luigi nodded too, despite the fear he felt. He had one day to prepare before he dove into certain death.


Luigi walked to the hotel. It was starting to rain, which was rather fitting given Luigi's current situation. He thought he would have more time. He sighed. Thomas and Cheryl would probably laugh if they saw him right now, sulking in the rain. Luigi entered the hotel lobby and waved at the manager.

"Are you planning on staying long?" She asked. Luigi sighed again.

"I-I'm not but Thomas and Cheryl are."

The manager tilted her head. "Why?"

Luigi hesitated. He probably shouldn't tell her. He didn't even know her, but it would be nice to tell someone.

"It's a-uh-weird pizza thing." Luigi said. That pretty much summed it up. The manager stared at him.

"The Order of the Slice?" She asked. Luigi froze. Oh no.

"N-n-no." He stuttered. She pointed to a burger pin on her blazer. Terror shot through him. How had he not noticed that?

"You shouldn't lie to me," She said. "I am a very powerful person." The manager glared at him. He heard a faint sound, it sounded like scraping metal. A sword. "Are you a member of The Order of the Slice?" She asked. Luigi didn't answer. He just turned around and ran. He ran as fast as he could. He didn't scream. He didn't even think. He just ran. His shoes slid on the wet roads. He heard footsteps. He saw the hotel manager speed ahead of him. He felt something sharp press against his neck. "Tell me what The Order of the Slice is planning." The hotel manager snarled. Luigi acted on impulse and kicked her as hard he could. She yelped in pain and dropped her sword. Luigi lunged for it. Adrenaline coursed through him. He felt like he'd just stared death in the face and kicked it in the balls. He looked at the sword in his hands, then back at the manager. She was clutching her stomach in pain. Luigi felt proud and horrified at the same time. He hadn't expected to actually hurt her.

"I'm keeping this," He declared awkwardly. She glared at him.

"I won't forget this." She wheezed. Luigi's breaths got quicker and quicker.

"Uh-sorry!" He dashed back to the hotel. He ran up the stairs and jammed his key in the door until it opened. He entered the room and saw Thomas and Cheryl sitting on opposite sides of the couch, watching an animal documentary. He smiled. He was glad they were getting along. "I'm back!" Luigi called. They turned around. Their gazes dropped to Luigi's hands.

"Where are the groceries?" Cheryl asked casually. Luigi resisted the urge to face palm himself. How could he forget that?

"Why do you have a sword?!" Thomas asked incredulously.

"That too."

Luigi weighed his options. He could lie, run and never come back, or tell the truth.

"Where are you going?" Thomas asked as Luigi turned to towards the door. "Luigi what happened?"

"It turns out the hotel manager is a Knight of the Burger," Luigi answered nervously. "N-no biggie!" They stared at him. "O-okay, I'm-uh-going to get the groceries!" He left before they could respond. Slamming the door shut behind him. He didn't want to be asked anymore questions. He didn't want them to worry, even if that meant he wouldn't get to say goodbye. He just wanted to leave. He listened to the rain as he walked out of the hotel. He inhaled deeply. He hadn't went on a walk since he stepped on that pizza. He'd walked sure, but not like this. He hadn't listened to the sounds of the city, like he was now. He hadn't realized how much he missed it. It was nice. He stopped at Nancy's door. The lights were on, so she was probably up. He worked up the courage to knock on the door. Nancy opened the door a moment later, she had a tired expression and was holding what looked like a horror book.

"What do you want?" Nancy asked.

"I'm ready," Luigi said, his voice shaking. "Let's rescue Officer Gertrude."

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