Chapter 17

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Luigi didn't try to suppress his fear while he was being tied to the Pizza Rocket. He squirmed and jerked, and tried to screech. But Ben punching him in the gut made him stop. He felt like he was going to throw up. Once they were finished tying Luigi to the rocket, they went to work on the rocket, leaving Luigi with no one except his own mind.


It had been about an hour since Luigi was tied to the rocket. Barry had been working on the rocket while Sausage and Ben pretended they knew what they were doing. Luigi watched them nod and agree, he snickered. They had no idea what Barry was talking about. Luigi didn't know either, but at least he wasn't acting like he did. "We're almost ready to launch!" Barry exclaimed. Luigi choked on his own spit. Already?! He thought it would take a lot longer. His breath quickened. His heart almost burst out of chest. He needed to get out of here. He didn't care if Ben hit him again, he needed to get out of here. He tried to scream, but no words came out. He was panicking, and for a good reason. He was about to be launched into space, if the rocket made it that far. If it didn't it would either explode, or plummet into the ground. Luigi would die no matter what happened. The thought made Luigi even more panicked.

"Please!" He managed. "Don't-don't do this!"

A smile teased Barry face. Barry turned towards the others. "This is fun." He started to giggle. It was odd, such a childish, innocent laugh. Yet it only came out when Luigi was in pain. Luigi looked at Barry.

"Barry please, I'm sorry,"

Barry ignored him and turned away. "It's ready to launch." He said. Luigi yelped. No. No. No.

"Guys," Luigi pleaded. "Let's think about this!"

"I've thought about it," Sausage responded. "Ever since I first saw you." She smiled. A terrible, wretched smile. Right before Barry could start the rocket a voice boomed through the secluded park.

"Stop!" Cheryl marched towards them, and she was not alone. She was surrounded by Order of the Slice members, one of them was holding the little dog Luigi had seen earlier. "Hand over Luigi," She commanded. "He belongs to us."

Luigi stared at her. She looked like queen, leading her people into battle.

"Cheryl," Luigi breathed. "W-what's going on? W-why are you-"

"Silence worm!" One of the Order of the Slice members yelled. Cheryl gave the member a withering look.

"Give us Luigi." She repeated. "I won't ask again."

Barry started to untie Luigi. "Wait-what's going on?" Luigi didn't know what Cheryl was doing, or why all the Order of the Slice members were obeying her. But if they were saving him, he wouldn't complain. Ben nervously untied Luigi. Luigi tried not to look smug. Once he was untied Ben shoved him towards Cheryl. Luigi waved. He was suddenly feeling very awkward. "So..." He began. "What's happening?" An Order of the Slice member grabbed Luigi. He squeaked. Cheryl grabbed the back of Luigi's collar, and yanked him back. They were like a pack of wolves, a very weird pack of wolves. "Ch-Cheryl, what's going on?" She was locked up, now she's leading The Order of the Slice? Cheryl's eyes met Luigi's.

"I'll explain later," She said.

"We need to go." Cheryl pointed to one of the Order of the Slice members. "Mushroom, watch him." Luigi gaped at her.

"You don't trust me?"

Cheryl snorted. "Of course not! If anything I trust you less and less." Luigi frowned. One of The Order of the Slice members grabbed him by the shoulders and started to drag him into the crowd of Order of the Slice members.


"Don't worry, that's Mushroom."

Luigi swallowed. That's what he was afraid of. 

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