Happy New year 🎆

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A/N- Happy New year everyone!

Third POV
"I'm soo nervous buddy, what of he rejects me??" Ash says to Pikachu, who was watching his trainer pacing back and forth. Pikachu was having enough of ash, knowing he would be fine.

Pikachu looks at the clock in ash's room and realise has 15 minutes till ash had to go on his date.

" Pika chuuu" Pikachu used thunderbolt on ash. "Owww, Pikachu why'd you do that?" Ash says his attention now on Pikachu.

"Pik, pika chu" Pikachu says pointing at the clock. "Oh f*ck, I'm going to be late, thanks Pikachu, let's go" ash say as he grabs everything he need, his hat, money, Pikachu, his pokeballs, cause you never be so sure that team rocket won't appear. And he pocketed a special item while running out of the house.

15 minutes later

Ash got to his and Gladions meet up place right on time as he saw the blonde hair boy walking up to him.

"Hii Glads~~, you look so handsome" ash said happily. "Hi sunshine, you look good too" gladion said with a small smile as he looked at his boyfriend. ( they are wearing what they are wearing in the photo above) 

The share a short but sweet kiss . "Let's go, I have planned something for us to do today" ash says as he gives gladion another peck on the lips. " Okay, let's go" gladion says as he interwinds their finger, as they walk to where ash was going.

"Glads, we're here!" ash says as gladion looks at where the place they were at, a carnival . It was one that came every new years eve, there was plenty people could do for a whole day, and around midnight, their would be a fireworks display.

"It's so big... I still can't get over that even though I've seen it every year. This is going to be a fun date, I know it" Gladion says in awe at how large the carnival was. "Well, let's go there's a lot of stuff we should do" Ash says as he runs pulling gladion with him.

They first walked around the place, deciding what they should do first. They eventually decided that they would do a few smaller games like: Guess the pokemon, Balloon and dart, ring toss, bean bag toss. (Pikachu, Umbreon and all the other pokemon were in a Pokemon Park, inside the carnival and it had waterslides and other stuff, if you were wondering.) 

Ash won Guess the Pokemon and won a small Tapu KoKo plushie. Gladion won balloon and dart and won a small Tapu Lele Plushie. They were walking around when Gladion spotted something that caught his eye.

" Hey ash" Gladion says. "Ya, Glads" ash says looking at him. " Can we get candyfloss?" Gladion asks excitingly, like a little Rockruff. "Let's go get some then!" ash says looking at an excited Gladion, who was now pulling him over to a candyfloss stall.

Gladion took a bite of his candyfloss and his eyes lit up and he looked adorable. Ash took a quick picture, without Gladion realizing.

They did many more activities, won more prizes, they tried some different food. They are some other things like crépes, hot chocolate, pokepuffs, malasadas. They enjoyed it a lot.

It was now 11.30 pm, and ash brought Gladion to a little hill close to the carnival, to watch the fireworks.

"This is... beautiful" Gladiom says looking at the spot  in awe. Ash had it set up, who knows when. There was a little picnic set up, with fairy lights and it was beautiful.

"Do you..like it?" Ash asks him. "
I don't like it... I love it" Gladion says while he grabs ash's hand and they both just talked until the fireworks were going to be displayed.

A minute before the fireworks were going to be displayed, ash got down on one knee and pulled out a small velvet box, inside was a beautiful ring.

"Gladion, I fell inlove at first sight. I love everything about you, your beautiful green emerald eyes, your beautiful blond hair, your personality, how you would do anything for those you love, how your eyes sparkle when you eat sweets, how cute you look when you get flustered and just you in general. Your everything to me, and your my whole world. I want to spend eternity with you, so, Gladion Aether, Will You Marry Me?" Ash says looking at his soon to be fiancé(hopefully), who was in tears.

Gladion was shocked but soon replied with a " YES!!!" Before jumping on Ash. They shared a passionate kiss, full of love. Ash placed the ring on Gladions finger, before they heard fireworks meaning that it was the new year.

"Happy New year Gladion"," Happy New year Ash" they said as they watched the fireworks. The two fiancés in each others arms.

And team rocket may or may not have been looking to take pikachu, which ment spying. And they may or may not have been very proud of their twerp.

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