pick up lines part2+ some crack

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A/N- I finally am able to make a part 2, with some crack aswell. Let it begin~~


Ash : Guys, I've been meaning to tell you... Gladion and I are dating.

Lana : gasp

Mallow : gasp

Kiawe : gasp

Sophocles : gasp

Lillie : gasp

Gladion : gasp

Ash: Gladion, why are you surprised?!

Gladion coming from his house to ash

Gladion: Ash have you gained more weight recently??

Ash: What!?!? Why would you ask me that gladion, you said you would love me even if I was a worm :(

Gladion: Ash I would love you if you were a worm, it's just- you've been taking up more space in my heart ;)

Ash: *A blushing mess*

Professor kukui: What is happening over there?

Gladion: Your so cute Ash

Ash: Actually it's 'you're' gladion~

Gladion: It doesn't matter ash. This isn't English class

Ash: Wrong. Your and you're are two different words. For example, I'm 'yours' and 'you're' mine cutie ;)

Professor kukui, spying the two: 'That's my student!'

Gladion coming back from the bathroom to not find ash on the couch and the movie they were watching still playing

Gladion: Ash! Where are you??

Ash: Oh, gladion I'm here

Gladion: What were you doing in the kitchen??

Ash: I went to the fridge to get a snack but you weren't there ;)

Gladion: What...??? OHHHH......Ash!!!!!* very red gladion*

Ash and Bonnie are faced with an opponent, a little Pidove that had decided to nab one of Bonnie's sandwiches.

"Just stay calm, you have everything you need to beat it." Ash instructed, and Bonnie looked up at him, puzzled. "The power to believe in myself?" She asked.

Ash gained the largest grin she's ever seen on him. "No, Dedenne. Shock him!"

Bonnie watched Ash worriedly as he and Dedenne wreaked havoc on the Pidove.

Sometimes he was more of a child than she was.


Drew extended a hand elegantly. "Give me your hand, my lady." He smirked at May, who flushed a bright red.

She accepted his hand, excitedly yet nervously. "Uh, here you go... my dude?"

Max wheezed. "My dude!?"

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