Breakdown by the Cliff

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A/N- So some angsty Gladion, enjoyyyyy

TW: Suicidal thoughts + accidentally attempt

Gladion sat at the edge of the cliff, gentle wind blowing through his blond hair, causing some of it to fall over his eyes

His hair caught droplets of his tears, the rest of them falling pointlessly down his face.

He was silent as he cried. He knew well enough by now not to let his pain get in the way of others.

His emerald eyes looked to the shore bellow where waves were making the sand turn dark with water.

Just today he had been down there, Ash and him laughing as they had a sand castle competition, obviously Gladion had won, as Ash kept getting distracted.

Now he looked down to the sand and wondered what Ash would do if he walked down to the beach to find his body, cold and lifeless from laying dead half the night.

Or maybe Ash wouldn’t come to the beach. Maybe he would forget Gladion.

Even if he knew his thoughts wouldn’t happen, that Ash wouldn’t just magically forget him, he almost wished Ash would.

Then he could die without anyone missing him… but now he just felt immense pain. He didn’t want to hurt Ash.

But how he yearned to fall down, to let darkness take him, to have peace.

It was just thoughts. Only a single thought that caused him to have such a large breakdown that he came to the edge.

He knew he was stupid, he knew he shouldn’t have had such a huge meltdown over just a thought.

He didn’t dare wake Ash for something so stupid…

Ash would lose sleep and he would just feel bad…

It was stupid anyways…

Glady brought his knees to his chest and looked forward blankly, his thoughts numb as tears slipped past his eyes.

His tears were pointless. No one would come save him. And he couldn’t save himself, so there was no reason to cry.

He couldn’t be bothered to care that his ears were so cold, that his finger were numb, and his feet were covered in mud. He just didn’t have the energy to.

It was too much. How come something so stupid had brought him here?

His thoughts were going around in circles as he let his legs go and peaked over the edge, it was a long drop. One that would kill instantly if he were to fall.

The wind threatened to blow his shivering body over the edge.

That would be nice, then he wouldn’t feel guilty. Then it wouldn’t be his fault, or at least not completely.

But everything was his fault in the end.

His gaze flickered back up, looking to the distant stars

He wondered if he could study them and learn their names, know which was which.

But he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t even manage to get out of bed some days, let alone study stars.

He knows that Ash would smile at him and look at him with such pride if he managed to name the stars in the sky, Ash would buy him a telescope and he would hold Gladion as they looked into the night sky.

Ash would be so happy. He wanted Ash to be happy, he deserved to be happy. So why couldn’t he do it?

Was he just that selfish and pathetic…?

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