Chargjabug Race

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A/N- More dadkukui then ashxgladion but any wayy, set gladion goes to the pokemon school, they ain't dating, enjoy~

This kid is going to be the death of him, Kukui thinks. Soon enough he will have a heart attack and kick the bucket for good, with the amount of stress Ash brings into his life. He'd thought the Charjabug Race would be a good thing, when he heard about it. Ash, Gladion, and Sophocles were having a lot of fun preparing for it.

Ash came home every day talking about nothing but that, but Kukui never got bored of it. Ash was just so excited about it so, of course, he'd turned it on at the exact time it was supposed to start, and had it set to record just in case Ash wanted to watch it back.

He'd had no idea how the boys would perform, but he was excited nonetheless.It was an exhilarating race, watching it. Whenever the camera flashed onto one of the three boys Kukui smiled. Ash ran alongside Charjabug, showing no sign of tiring. Gladion worked quickly on the pit stop. Sophocles spoke into a headset. It was going swimmingly. They were performing better than most of the other racers.

And then, right before Kukui's eyes, it had all gone to shit. Because he's just watched one of the other racers skid out of control on the ice. And Ash, instead of letting Charjabug be hit, decided to block the impending crash.




Kukui jumps out of his seat the moment he sees the car hit Ash's head. "Ash!" he shouts aloud, and Rockruff raises his head lazily at the outburst. Kukui runs his hand through his hair, watching as the camera focuses in on Ash, who appears to be unconscious from the collision.

That spells out concussion to Kukui, and he doesn't watch anymore before he's running out and jumping into the convertible. The outcome of the race doesn't matter anymore, not as long as there's an injured kid there.He drives maybe a little faster than is technically legal, but he's got panic pressing against his throat and his brain is running through all the risks of concussions. Hospital visit, cognitive effects, hell, concussions can be really bad.

And Kukui's sure that Ash has had the odd traumatic brain injury or two before, what with how reckless he is (again: heart attack will happen sooner or later), but that was a speeding projectile straight to the noggin. The stadium is smack dab in the middle of Hau'oli, and there's a lot of traffic around it - it must be over - and so it takes longer than Kukui would like.

He cuts someone off, and he feels a little bad, but every moment in the car is a moment his worry sharpens.

Finally, finally, he makes it there. He parks the car in the first spot he sees and practically runs inside. He has to fight against crowds exiting.

After a while of looking, he sees Gladion's hair over the crowd and pushes through. He's leaning against a wall, standing much closer to Ash than he usually would. Sophocles is on Ash's other side.

Both the boys have their eyebrows furrowed at Ash, who's saying something to Kiawe. Pikachu is at his feet rather than on his shoulder, which is another warning bell.

"Gladion!" Kukui yells. "Sophocles, Ash!"


he boys whip their heads up to him as he jogs up.

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