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A/N- Gladion and ash are dating in this one! That's all, enjoy~~

“Pikachu! Use quick attack then follow it up with Iron Tail!” Ash commanded, glaring at the annoyingly familiar faces of Jessi and James, along with their pokemon partners Meowth and Wobbuffet.

The mouse pokemon did as told, always wanting to help protect their trainer from evil doers such as Team Rocket. They were always coming back with a new scheme, always having their sights set on wanting to catch the electric pokemon, for reasons that went unknown to Ash.

The boy had absolutely zero clue as to why they were so interested in his Pikachu, but whatever the reason may be, he refused to ever let them have the satisfaction of capturing his partner, his buddy, his best friend. No one would ever get their hands on Pikachu, even if that meant putting himself in harm's way to ensure of that. 

“Nice try brat! Go Mimikyu! Use Shadow Claw now!”

Jessi called to her pokemon, grinning with glee over the fact Mimikyu actually paid attention and listened to what she said. 

The battle had been going on for quite a while now and Ash was beginning to feel the effects of being in a prolonged battle. While yes he wasn’t necessarily partaking in the fight itself, it still took a lot of energy to stay focused during a battle, especially if one was using Z moves on top of that.

People often made fun of the boy for always being hungry, for always thinking of food, but the reason for that was pretty much down to him burning up all his energy in battles and needing to replenish. Of course the day had started off a little differently, he didn’t feel quite like himself, Rotom was quick to point that out when they all woke up that morning, Pikachu and the other pokemon also voiced their concerns for their trainer.

Ash had naturally brushed it off, they did all go to bed late after getting a bit too carried away with training, so he just put it down to going bed at an abnormal time. Besides, even on his deathbed the boy would never turn down the opportunity to battle, so while exploring a deep underground cave for new pokemon, Ash of course didn’t hesitate to battle against Team Rocket and their Mimikyu. The energy spent keeping up with the battle was beginning to catch up with him, laboured breaths escaped his lips, sweat coated his skin that felt very warm to the touch, not to mention the constant calling outs of attacks were irritating his throat, making it all scratchy and sore. 

Rotom frowned “Ash, you aren’t looking very well, we should get out of here while we have the chance” he said in a worried tone, a sad face appearing on his little screen. 

The ravenette coughed, spitting onto the ground with a huff “n- no way, I won’t let them c- catch Pikachu…” he replied, swaying on his feet, Lycanroc was quick to place himself at Ash’s side, attempting to keep him steady with help from Rotom

“Thanks Lycanroc, you too Rotom…” 

The red Pokedex smiled slightly “it’s alright, but Ash, you need to sit down and get some rest… you really aren’t looking very well at all, please listen to me” he pleaded, he really wanted the boy to listen to him, he was very worried.

Ash once again shook his head “not until… this battle is over…” he coughed, his chest felt tight and his ability to breathe was becoming more and more difficult, he had to agree with Rotom on the fact he wasn’t feeling very well but he couldn’t turn and run in the middle of a battle, not when it was against people who wanted to take his partner pokemon away. 

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