Just a Call away

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A/N- this is pure fluffff, their dating already in this story, enjoyyyy

If someone asked Ash who he thought about the most when travelling, well, there would be a lot of people.

There was his mother, of course, along with Professor Oak and Mr Mime. They had always supported him throughout his travelling years, encouraging him to take new steps and do anything to reach his dream.

There was also Misty, Brock and Gary. Every once in a while, Ash would look back at their old photos, laugh at the memories, or simply smile with nostalgia when they popped up in his head. They were his first companions, and Gary was his first rival. Without them, he probably wouldn’t have made it this far.

There were also all his other past travelling companions, namely Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena. All his past rivals as well. Each one of them were different in their own way, and he vowed to himself to never forget a single one of them. He had engraved their personalities and mannerisms in his head, after all.

Even his classmates in the Alola region were often thought of. Mallow, Kiawe, Lana, Sophocles and Lillie. Not to mention Professor Kukui and Burnet, who had become like a second family to him.

As Ash laid in bed, staring up at the wooden frame where he knew Goh slept above, his mind drifted to the Alola league. He hadn’t mentioned the fact that he was a freaking champion to his newest friend just yet, simply because he didn’t deem it important enough. Goh would figure it out on his own, and besides, Ash didn’t fancy being viewed as ‘Alolan Champion’ rather than just himself.

It wasn’t that he felt ashamed of his title — Arceus knows how hard he’s worked for it — he just didn’t like being put up on a pedestal and being seen as some God in battling. Maybe he would bring it up eventually, someday, but that wasn’t a very likely—

“You have a call from Glads. You have a call from Glads.”

Ash jumped, fumbling for his Rotom phone. He grabbed it and hurried outside, leaving Pikachu and Goh in the bedroom.

He didn’t stop running until he reached outside of Professor Cerise’s Research Lab, only accepting the call when he had seated himself on the steps, feeling the Kanto winds breeze through his hair.

“Gladion!” Ash said, the smile appearing on his face uncontrollably when he saw the blonde, who seemed to have just woken up. Gladion squinted at the screen, a small frown on his face.

“...are you outside? In the middle of the night?”

“Maybe. I didn’t want to wake Goh or Pikachu up, so I ran out.”

“Ash!” he scolded exasperatedly. “I told you, if you can’t pick up my call, just decline and then text me.”

“But I miss you!” Ash whined. “I don’t even get to touch you, so seeing you on screen is the next best option.”

He grinned successfully when he saw his boyfriend blush darkly, the morning sun shining on his face as he rolled his eyes. “You’re such a dork.”

“You love me,” Ash teased, making Gladion duck his head into the pillow, messing up his bangs.

“I do. What about it?” he grumbled. Ash barked out a laugh that echoed through the air.

“So, how’s Kalos been treating you?” Ash asked.

Gladion had decided that he wanted to travel around the world and challenge different gyms, just as Ash had. While Ash had been quite miffed at the idea of his boyfriend travelling all alone (without him, too!), he had caved once he saw Gladion’s excited smile, the same one he himself used to wear when visiting each region.

“It’s alright. I’m challenging the Shalour City Gym tomorrow,” Gladion said, shrugging.

“Oh! That’s Korinna’s gym!” Ash grinned, memories of his old gym battle with her coming at full force. “The Fighting-type gym, yeah? Here’s a tip, don’t try rhythmic dancing as a battle strategy.”

“Rhythmic what?” Gladion asked, his frown deepening when Ash just laughed.

“Oh, aren’t all your Pokémon weak to Fighting-type moves?” Ash realised, recalling Gladion’s Pokémon. Umbreon and Zoroark were dark-types, Lycanroc was a rock-type, and Silvally was a normal-type. Gladion gave him a cheeky smile.

“What, think I can’t win without a type advantage?”

“That’s not what I’m saying! I’m just pointing it out!” Ash huffed, a wicked grin appearing suddenly. “I know my super strong boyfriend can win any battle.”

“Ash!” Gladion shouted embarrassedly, ducking his head yet again. Ash snickered to himself. Success, once again.

“Okay, real talk, Korinna’s pretty strong. She’s not gonna be holding back. Also, you might want to go to the gym at sunset so you don’t have to wait hours for the tide to lower. Ooh, did you know, Korinna’s got this really cool skate thing in her gym?”

“Yeah?” Gladion said, smiling softly. Ash started rambling on and on, the blonde finding his excited expression ever so endearing. His habit of chattering for hours was part of why Gladion fell in love with him in the first place.

“And then—” Ash yawned, rubbing his eyes— “Pikachu was like, kachow! Thunderbolt! And boom, huge explosion! And then—“

“Ash,” Gladion interrupted, shaking his head fondly. “Not that I want you to, but you need to get to bed. It’s super late over there, and you’re getting tired.”

“I’m not tired,” Ash grumbled, resting his cheek on a palm. “And I don’t wanna stop talking to you!”

“You can call me tomorrow morning, okay? I’ll probably be up, even if it’s, like, 3am,” Gladion said casually. Ash scowled, jabbing a finger at the screen.

“You need a better sleep routine. You can’t keep scolding me for going to bed late when you go to bed at, like, 5!”

“I can do what I want.” His emerald eyes sparkled when Ash pouted. “You, on the other hand, you have a job as an assistant. You actually need to sleep because of your responsibilities."

“No!” Ash said stubbornly, shivering suddenly.

“See, you’re getting cold, too! Go to bed before I personally fly over to Kanto and drag your ass there.”

“You’ll come over if I keep staying out?” Ash asked hopefully.

“Not literally, dummy!” The blonde rolled his eyes fondly when Ash made a dejected noise. “I promise we’ll meet again soon. We’ll cross paths eventually.”

“I know,” Ash hummed, eyes softening, “I miss you.”

“I miss you too,” Gladion whispered, staring at the screen longingly. “I’ll hang up now. Go to bed, okay?”

“Okay, mum. ” Gladion snorted and sighed, blowing Ash a little kiss that made him grin all silly. As the call ended, Ash stood up and stretched, yawning again. He made his way back into the room, where Goh and Pikachu were still sleeping soundly.

The phone in his hand vibrated. Ash glanced at it, heart thumping.

glads 🖤: goodnight, darling. love u <3

He held back a squeal, still not used to all the affection Gladion showed him. It made him feel special, seeing as Gladion didn’t do it with anyone else.

my champion <3: night!! good luck for tomorrow and i’ll call u in the morning!!

my champion <3: love you more!!!

All the way in Kalos, the blonde-haired trainer smiled softly, his heart aching to be with Ash again.

Ash turned off his phone obediently, laying down. And as he slowly drifted off into a deep slumber, his head filled up with memories of him and his boyfriend, putting a smile on his face.

Yes, he thought about all his old friends a lot. But no matter what, a small part of his heart belonged to Gladion, and always will.

Words: 1301

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