Our Alolan Family

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A/N- a little father's day special, there no ashxgladion this time unfortunately, thanks for all wish, my exams went great! Enjoyy

We’re going to have a baby! Isn’t it wonderful, honey? You’re going to be a father!

His wife’s words still echoed in his thoughts several hours after they’d been spoken. Burnet had prepared dinner that night and had surprised Kukui and Ash with her big announcement. At the time, Kukui had been absolutely ecstatic, however in the hours that had passed since the announcement, Kukui’s excitement had been overshadowed by doubt. Following dinner, after the three had cleaned up the kitchen together, with only a few minor incidents courtesy of Ash, Burnet had decided to turn in early, exhausted by the eventful day she’d had, while Ash retreated to the loft to finish his report for school the following day.

And so, Kukui found himself in his current position: sitting alone on the steps of his front porch trying to clear his mind of the thoughts and fears that plagued his mind.  He stared out across the sand at the waves lapping against the shore as a cool night breeze swirled around him. In the past, the sights and sounds of the beach had never failed to calm him down, but there was so much on his mind tonight that not even the sea could provide him any reassurance. 

It was strange really. He loved being around children, and had always dreamed of someday starting a family. That desire had even grown stronger since his wedding several months ago. And yet, now with fatherhood on the horizon, Kukui was terrified. He had absolutely no experience with babies; being a primary caregiver to a newborn infant was entirely different from teaching a class of preteens. When he’d first begun teaching at the Pokemon School, he had other, more experienced teachers, like Principal Oak, to look up to, but in this new endeavor, he didn’t have a role model to learn from. His own father had passed away years before and, prior to his death, hadn’t been exactly been all that involved in his only child’s life, and none of his fellow researcher friends had children. Kukui had never felt more alone.

The sound of footsteps approaching the door behind him jerked Kukui out of his thoughts. He heard it slowly creak open, but waited for whoever it was to speak first.

“Professor?” Ash’s voice asked cautiously. Kukui released the breath he was holding, relieved that it wasn’t Burnet. He would discuss his fears with her later; he didn’t want to worry her right now, or worse, make her believe that he didn’t want the baby. He turned to find the boy standing in the doorway, Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Both looked concerned

“Professor,” Ash repeated, a little louder. “Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah,” Kukui said, clearing his throat. “I’m fine. How’s your report? Have you finished it?” Ash’s expression instantly morphed from one of concern to one of embarrassment. Kukui raised an eyebrow. After a brief hesitation, Ash sighed.

“Sort of,” he answered as his gaze sheepishly flicked towards the ground. “I’m almost finished, I just… got hungry and needed a snack.” It was at that moment that Kukui noticed the plate in Ash’s hands and the rather large (and sloppily made) sandwich on it.  Kukui chuckled lightly. Typical Ash, he thought.

“Surely you can’t be that hungry already? Dinner wasn’t that long ago,” Kukui said, glancing at the monstrosity on Ash’s plate. “How big of a mess did you make in the kitchen this time?” Ash nervously rubbed the back of his head.

“Not too big. Pikachu and I already cleaned most of it up,” he answered. “And it’s been three hours since dinner, it was time for a late night snack.” Surprised, Kukui glanced at his watch, which only confirmed what Ash had said. He had completely lost track of the time!  “So what have you been doing out here all night?” Ash asked him.

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