Pokemon can do anything

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A/N- I'll be doing the request and hopefully have them done soon. School is starting up  so I won't be able to upload a lot because this year is an important one. I want to let everyone know that request are closed, but will likely open up again in October. This is a request by icecreamcat100, enjoy.

In the bustling Alola region, two fierce trainers named Ash and Gladion forged an unlikely friendship.

They had crossed paths during their adventures, always pushing each other to become stronger with every battle they faced. Both trainers had exceptionally strong Pokémon teams, and their fierce determination mirrored one another.

As time went by, their bond grew stronger, so much so that even their Pokémon couldn't ignore the mounting chemistry between the two trainers. Umbreon, Gladion's loyal pokemon, and Pikachu, Ash's electrifying partner, decided to take matters into their own paws... err, hands, or rather, paws and claws.

During an intense training session on the sunny Alolan shores, Umbreon and Pikachu came up with a master plan to bring their trainers closer.

They utilized their remarkable abilities to subtly encourage Ash and Gladion to spend more time together.

Umbreon would create a heart using multiple shadow balls that resembled heart shapes near Ash, while Pikachu would generate sparks that spelled out "Gladion" whenever he challenged Ash to a friendly battle.

Curiosity piqued, Ash began to pay closer attention to Gladion during their shared moments together. He couldn't help but notice the subtle blush that adorned Gladion's face whenever their eyes met. Gladion, on the other hand, found himself admiring Ash's fiery spirit and his unwavering determination to achieve his dreams, his beautiful eyes, the way his hair moves.

One radiant evening, Umbreon and Pikachu set their plan into motion during a breathtaking sunset on Melemele Island. Pikachu, with an electrifying display, created an intricate light show that formed the shape of a heart in the darkening sky. Umbreon, used her paws, creating a picture of ash and Gladion with a heart in the middle of them.

Ash and Gladion, amazed by the stunning display, turned to each other with incredulous smiles. The emotions that swelled within them were undeniable.

The two looked at each other before ash began to speak.

"Gladion, I love you, I love your eyes, your hair, the way you look when you battle everything. It took me a while to realize this but pikachu helped me realize my feeling to you..." Ash says, now really nervous.

"Ash, I love you too, everything from your determination while you battle to the way your hair flows in the wind. ...Can I kiss you....?" Gladion asks with a blush in his face.

"You don't need to ask"  ash says before the two lean in to kiss each other, on the beach with a sunset.

"Thank god they finally got together the tension between them" Umbreon says watching their trainers.

"Your right, this only happened cause of us, other wise they would just be to idiot in love with out realizing it, we're like match makers!" Pikachu says watching the two.

"Hmm, your right. Now enough of them, cause we both know gladion's staying the night. So,... TAG! Catch me if you can" Umbreon says before running away on the beach.

"COME BACKK" Pikachu says running after her.

Words- 557

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