Son Of A Bi-

568 32 16

"But where is home?"

At the first glaring issue that came to mind, you were stopped in your tracks.

You once again looked around yourself. 'This is the beach where Midoryia trained right? I mean the trash and everything kinda gives it away. Dagopah? No, Dapoda beach? I don't remember the name properly so I'm hoping that's right. So I must be somewhat close to his home. I don't remember if they mentioned where exactly he lived but it was somewhere in an apartment complex'


A voice, barely a whisper that seemed to be carried off by the wind after it said that word spoke into your ear.

You whipped your head around to where the voice came from, but were once again met with nothing.

I'll help.

You thought you heard it again, and right after, you felt a tug on your body.

It wasn't like anything was forcing your body to move, it was more like something was trying to slightly nudge your body forward, but it wasn't anything external like the weather.

With a bit of caution you followed the direction of the nudge and took a step forward, still the tiny pull remained.

You repeated the process, looking both ways before crossing the street this time and continuing to walk.

After a while of walking, you approached an intersection and the pull changed, moving the direction it was nudging you in from straight, to the side.

It only a few minutes of walking until you were met with numerous large apartment complexes that looked faintly futuristic compared to your original world.

'Although they mainly focused on quirks, technology has made a few advances to give them credit. Should've been way more considering it's been 200 years but still'

During that walk, you took a bit more time process the situation. You had lost all the perks of your tampered body and were instead in a world filled with powers that defied the knowledge you knew. Even though you accepted it, accepting something and adjusting to it were two separate things.

The nudge pulled you into one of the complexes and brought you up a flight of stairs until it stopped, forcing you down a hallway and in front of a door. This brought you to a problem.

'What do I say to Izuku's mom? I never had a mom so.....she loved him very much and now I've taken over his body, does that mean he's gone? How do I interact with- that's......too much has happened tonight, I need to sleep on it before I come to a decision about this'

The door was thankfully unlocked, so you quietly opened and closed it, taking off your still slightly wet shoes. Contemplating life itself had given your clothes enough time to dry up, so look at the pros.

You were in the living room, and you made your way to the entrance of the first hallway you could find.

There were 5 different doors in the quite large hallway, at least compared to what you envisioned Midoryia's apartment to be. This surprised you a little.

'One for me, one for Inko, one for the bathroom, two for storage maybe? She doesn't seem like the type to get a more expensive and unnecessary living space'

The scene confused you, but you didn't dwell on it too long. Maybe you didn't know about it because this was an actual world differing from what you knew?

Looking towards the kitchen, which was connected to the living area, you saw the time on the oven.
'It's four in the morning, and I bet I was sitting down on the beach for around I don't fucking know hours. A shower would be nice'

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