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You walked down the streets of Musutafu with an annoyed look, which was clear because your tongue was visibly pointing through your cheek.

'Neglect huh? What a great parent you are Inko'

You'd spent the day thinking. Thinking of what you were going to do in this new world, thinking how to achieve the goals you had laid out, and thinking of what came after completing them. You even wrote a few ideas down before trashing them, causing you to forget your pencil in your pocket which you now currently felt.
A bit uncomfortably may I add.

Another thing you confirmed was how the language thing worked.

Recording yourself when you spoke, you discovered that when you tried to speak English normally, it came out as Japanese, but when you listened to the recording of yourself, although what was being said was Japanese, your mind translated it to English automatically.

The second time you recorded yourself, you focused on what words were coming out of your mouth and the way your mouth moved.
Listening it over, you had in fact spoken English.

You tried this with the other languages you knew, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, but those and a few others were normal. The filter in your brain seemed to only work for English and Japanese.

You came to the conclusion it had something to do with Izuku and the fact Japanese was his first language, but hadn't figured out the actual reason yet.

By the time you were done getting lost in your own thoughts, school was long over. Checking the alarm clock you had thrown earlier, you saw that it was eleven at night.

The only other thing you did that day was shower-

As that term came to mind, you let out an exasperated sigh.
'Well, he is supposed to be the main character, but still, it's nearly comparable to my old-..............I need a drink'

When you'd realized the time, you walked out of the room, through the hallway and into the kitchen. Remains of dinner were clear due to the amount of dishes in the sink. Two plates, two cups, and two forks.

You attempted to open one of the drawers, but they didn't budge. You tried again a little harder, and still the same result. It was at that point you noticed something unusual about the drawer. A keyhole.

Confused, you checked every single one after that, and they all had a keyhole in it.

Afterwards, you attempted to open the fridge, but instead the screen that's as on the fridge read Please Enter Password, which was followed up by the appearance of numbers going from 1-9 in the standard phone password format.

You knew it was bad from what Izuku's book said, but to install locks so that he couldn't make food was honestly baffling. It was the opposite of what you heard mothers were supposed to do.

So, here you were, at a late hour of the night with some change Izuku had in one of his drawers. He did mention he got an odd job every now and then in a Log that you read while re-reading some of the journal, but nothing permanent, and had taken a bit from his small amount of savings.

'It makes sense why this body's so skinny'

Even if Izuku had managed to start working out, without the nutrition also required to gain muscle it was simply impossible. 'Not to mention he probably took whatever he could get, so a diet wasn't an option. Plus, he would never resort to stealing'

Your eyes momentarily went downwards. 'It seems even here, people who follow the rules are punished for abiding by them'

Shaking your head, you continued to look around.
You made sure to take in every detail as you walked, noting how pretty everything looked.

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