No Love?

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"Killed anyone? Nope" She responded with a pop on the p part.

You were slightly taken aback the straight answer, and asked another question.

"Do you want to kill someon"-

She cut you off with a completely nonchalant look on her face.

"Are you sur"-
"......Are you positi"-
".................Do you really tho"-

Stopping, you finally realized that she was 100% sure of her choice. One that made the plan you were thinking of slightly crumble, but still remain.
There was still a chance you could stop her from becoming a main antagonist for the series, especially if she hadn't killed anyone yet.

"Who do you want to kill?"

She thought about it for a moment, leaning her chin on the tip of her knife.

"People I love"

Hearing that in person was just completely strange, especially with how blunt she was. Still, you had to ask this next question.

"Do you love me?"

Truly, at that moment, you wanted to shrivel away. You were stuck in a warehouse with a mentally unstable blonde who wanted to kill you while suffering from injuries so bad you could barely move.

'Déjà vu?'

You shook your head before that memory could resurface.

"Call me Himiko!"
"Toga, what is love?"

Her face seemed to light up when you asked her that, and she began to twirl around the room.

"Love? What is love you ask?" She brought her hands to her cheeks as she spun.

"Love is that yearning, that admiration you feel for another! Love is that feeling of looking at a person and wanting to see what they see! Feel what they feel! Know what they know! Love is wanting to become that person! Become who they are!"

She stopped and turned to you. "So I ask you, do you love me, Izuku?"

You froze at her question, and had to suppress a bead of sweat form running down your forehead. But that was probably from the fever.

'How do I respond to this without dying?'

'I say yes, she might take it as consent to just straight up kill me. I say no, there's no way I'm getting out of here alive'

"Toga, do you agree that love is subjective?"
"I don't know what that means"

You took a deep breath to calm yourself and not yell at her. "Y'know how since people live different lives, they think about certain things differently?"


"Like, if a rich person accidentally misplaced one hundred dollars, and a poor person misplaced the same amount, the poor person would be more panicked and upset right?"


"So, think about love that way"

At this point she narrowed her eyes while cocking her head to the side, and you could see that while she didn't seem as keen to listen like before, she was still at least listening. That was good.

"I mean think about it. Everyone has lived a different life, so everyone has different standards for different things? People have different definitions for the same terms. It's the same with love"

"Currently, as we speak, don't fit my definition of love" You winced.

Her eyes widened slightly, yet they still remained on you. You could see how the grip on the knife in her hand had tightened immensely, and she seemed to be staring a hole into you.

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