Fanfics And Ghosts

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You truly, truly wanted to die at the moment. You realized you weren't in the actual world of My Hero Academia, well technically you were, but you were in a canon that strayed from the original.

'All Might as Izuku's father. Izumi Yagi. Getting "abused" because of his lack of a Quirk, it's a fanfic. A MOTHERFUCKING FANFIC!!'

You had read a few while you were on the run in your original world, mainly out of curiosity. When you first discovered people made personal changes to a piece of fiction, reading those sounded kinda fun. Seeing others imaginations sounded, fun.

And it was fun, but rarely. The first time you read the concept of "Izuku Yagi" it was a cool idea to you, a little spin on the story.

Obviously there were a few drastic changes to certain character's (mainly All Might's) personalities, but that was to let the story happen in a way to make sense. To show a AU where a few changes can completely change the story.

In the first one you read, Izuku became a Villain. It was a pretty cool idea.

Then you found another one where he was a Vigilante.

Then you found another one where he became a Hero despite everything.

All three of them were good books, with in a few of them him getting a Quirk or remaining Quirkless all the way, it was interesting.

Then you stumbled upon it. A bad one.


It was extremely rushed and changed a lot of personality traits in ways that didn't make sense, but what confused you is how Izuku instantly became OP right before UA and had a complete personality change into a "badasss". To the point where he was stronger than All Might, but if he's stronger than All Might why attend UA? It confused you.

It got to the point where you stopped reading those kinds of stories because finding good ones through all the clones was difficult, so you stopped all together.

And now, you were stuck in the world of said fanfic genre.

'Dear god, why, why do you hate me? I'll fight Jesus again if you keep provoking me'

You tried to take in all this information. All Might was Izuku's father. He was discouraged to the point where he lost his motivation to be a Hero. And he has an abusive sister who now has One for All, Izumi Yagi.

This changed everything.

'Since it's a fanfic it's basically an alternate universe, and that means from what I know this world can be completely different from canon because it doesn't have to follow the canon's rules'

Your hand made it's way up to your now green hair and clenched it.

'Things like crossovers, changes in plot, everything could be different.....shit'

For a moment, you considered something you didn't think of before. 'Do I leave Japan?'

Although you knew what was going to happen, that was the issue. It was going to get bad, really, bad, and you didn't even know how bad because you stopped reading after the War arc so that you could binge read the series when it ended.

'Izuku said this body is 18 but I still seem to be in school since I'm wearing a uniform, I'll be an adult soon so can't I just leave- damn, I aged back a year now I can't even legally drink-WHY AM I THINKING OF THAT'

You slapped yourself, but your thoughts were running rampant. Many thoughts were.

'I don't owe this world anything, and I'm sure the ending to this story is good so I can just live my life away from the plot of the-.....wait'

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