Straws And Spirits

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"Absolutely not!"

This was the response you had been expecting, and by the state of the now angered prisoner in front of you, you were right.

"Boss deals with that maniac only in person, and even then he doesn't want to work with him! Overhaul isn't someone you can just fucking work with, especially with his connections!"

'Wow' You mused. 'I'm getting scolded right now'

"Besides he's way to dangerous someone like you to meet. Do you know the amount of Vigilantes he's killed, either for disappointing him or trying to stop his operation? It's taboo for both people like you and me to even mention his name, let alone get involved with him!" He raved, looking at you with both concern and impatience.

"What if I told you I knew how he made his Quirk nullifying bullets"

Those words completely froze the man, to the point where his mouth was still hung open. At that point though, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"I'd question how you knew in the first place, or even how a fledgling Vigilante like yourself even knows those exist....." Was his response, and you maintained your gaze on him.

"But, I'd also be more convinced to hear you out" Finishing his sentence, the man groaned at the situation before shaking his head.

"Okay, okay. This is......Overhaul is beyond someone like me, and negotiating a deal between the boss and you when it comes to that isn't my place. If you want to cut a deal to know his whereabouts then you're going to have to talk to the boss directly"

Slowly, a smile the man couldn't see stretched from underneath your mask. 'Finally, I have something. I can't keep aimlessly going around beating up thugs, I'm on a time limit when it comes to Eri'

"I'm fine with that"

At your quick agreement, the man once again eyed you a bit more cautiously.

"But, you seem to know too much. Since there's a chance you're a mole for another organization, I'm letting the boss know beforehand and I'm letting him prepare for your arrival" He spoke assertively, which looked a bit funny from his tied up position.

"Alright, I don't really care about the circumstances. Think you can get him ready by tonight?"

"If he even allows you to see him, then yes, tonight should be when he sets the date. Boss is a bit...impatient. Wait is it morning?!" The realization of what you said kicked in.

"Shit I didn't report back! The others might think I've gone rogue- I DIDN'T DO MY DAILY CHECK IN?! THAT'S EIGHT MONTHS OF CONSISTENCY G"-

Toga, in her wiseness, hit the man in the back of his head with another chair, stepping into the light at the same time.

Staring at her blankly, she just looked at you with a smile. "You did say I could hit him when we brought him here"

"Once, Toga, and not with a chair"

"Can I have a redo?!"


"Can I put a straw in an open wound?!"

"I gave you some blood before we started- I don't even GIVE you blood you started LICKING MY EAR" You decided to bring up that important factor which you ignored since you were too focused on moving the body.

"It's not my fault the scar makes you look...." Her hands did a motion as if they were claws. "Hot"

"My ear, was partially severed. Toga, that's not- we'll deal with this later" Not having the energy to argue due to your injuries and lack of sleep, you opened the door to the room and allowed the morning light to seep in.

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