Too Much Confidence

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One week had passed since your spar with Toga.

Those spars continued daily, and always ended up with you on the floor and needing to drink a lot orange juice due to the amount of blood Toga was draining from you.

One time you even walked into the warehouse early and found her transformed as Izuku/you, just cuddling herself on the couch. So yeah, that wasn't concerning at all.

However, what was concerning was she said that even though she loved.....being you? she said that it felt wrong, and that she couldn't maintain it for long. It was something interesting to hear, but you were too deficient to give it thought.
Still, there was something weird going on with this body.

Blood was necessary for Toga sure, but at this point you'd be a husk if this continued for long, so winning was a definite priority in your mind

Still, you managed to increase your output of One for All to 0.7%. The main reason for that being your body adjusting to the input and the fact you were using 0.5% as you worked out, causing your muscles to break down faster and quicker. In fact if Izuku used this method of training you didn't doubt his output when he first used Full Cowling would be somewhere over 15%.

There was a somewhat noticeable difference in your physique after almost 3 weeks in this world, but nothing impressive at all, if anything you were just starting to look slightly normal. Although that didn't stop Toga from commenting on how she liked that she could see your veins more.

Crime was surprisingly popular in the area, but the resurgence as mentioned before was mainly because of how All Might had the area on lockdown for a few days. Still, it just meant more money for you.

You'd spent this time both robbing robbers, as well as getting used to fighting in this new body.

If a fumble like what happened on your first shift happened during a life threatening situation, you'd die. Your "cute according to Toga"s broken nose showed you that.

Differences in stamina, the length of your limbs as well as mobility, it was all different. You don't notice these things until you lose them but when you do you just feel....incomplete.

This was also felt by the numerous times you miss-judged a jump from a rooftop to another, accidentally undershot a punch and got a slash in the arm, sprained your ankle upon landing on a different rooftop, and overestimated how acrobatic you were.

At that point you had to tell Toshinori that some thugs kept following you around and bothering you with the amount of minor to half-way critical injuries you kept bringing home, and he made the connection on his own that it was because you were supposedly Quirkless.

He mentioned he'd file a police report, but you didn't hear anything about that again.

Although he had brought the idea of enrolling you in some sort of martial arts school so you could learn to defend yourself since this was getting more common. For some reason when he mentioned that you felt a little warm on the inside. You still refused of course, especially since you didn't have the time.

'It's kind, but cliche for a fanfic. Although it's nice that he's......fatherly, instead of the weird character writers give him'

As you continued to synchronize with Izuku's body, you also went into more sketchier parts of town, expanding your patrol area.

There were a few whispers going around about a new Vigilante as well as some of the crooks seeming to recognize you, so at least your reputation was starting to build. But that also meant the more easier to beat criminals were avoiding the space you usually swept.

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