Crazy Blonde With Knife Go Stabbey Stab

462 31 11

You awoke to something, or rather, a sound that you'd never forget.

A faint hum washed over the area around you and as you listened to the melody, you only felt despair. No, it wasn't as simple as that

It was soothing, relaxing even. Yet, it gave off an undeniable feeling of doom.

It was almost as if the hum was telling you to give up, that it was over. That there was nothing you could do. That you could only, simply, accept. There was the end, and the end was here.

But it was also similar to something simple. Like a man in a rocking chair, or someone fishing by themselves in the middle of a lake.

You couldn't stand it.

You forced yourself to open your eyes, shaking slightly as the humming stopped, and silence followed.

As your eyes adjusted, you found yourself in a bar, sitting on one of the chairs at a table.

You checked yourself over immediately and found that, for some reason, you didn't have any injuries.

The entire place was empty, but everything looked newly polished. The lights that lit up the bar especially seemed to glow with a light you couldn't put your finger on, but could tell was unnatural.

With some grogginess you continued to scan your surroundings, looking around the huge place.
You stopped

The humming graced your ears again, but this time though, you could hear it coming from a direction.

It was terrifying to hear, and you didn't even know why you forced yourself to look where it was originating.

There was someone sitting at the bar.

They were on a stool, a white jacket draped around them from what you could see as they had their back facing you.

You didn't know why, but you couldn't stop yourself from approaching them, with you taking a seat on the barstool next to them.

The overwhelming humming stopped, and a man with white eyes stared at you from the shroud.

They held a shot in their hand, from where they got it from you didn't know. There was no one else here, nor any drinks in sight.

Suddenly, they placed the shot in between the two of you, setting it down on the bar.

"Do you know the biggest lie everyone seems to agree with?"

They spoke simply, which contradicted the chaos visible through your eyes as you stared at the glass. A swirl of panic and delusions that seemed amplified in your reflection.

"That life, isn't, fair" They chuckled slightly as they spoke. "Wouldn't you agree?"

It made you uncomfortable, and for some reason your breathing began to pick up as you stared at the shot.

"Drink it"

They insisted, pushing the glass closer to you, making you flinch in the process.

"Drink it"
They spoke again, curt and short, staring at you with those white eyes. Eyes that you couldn't even call eyes, just gaping holes that held within them something beyond what you could see.

"Drink it"
It was so bewildering you didn't know what to do. You felt your heartbeat began to pick up as you stared at the shot, the world going slightly fuzzy.

"Drink it"

You ran.
There was no way to know why you ran out of the bar, only that you needed to run. That you could not take that shot.

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