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"This is a mistake. Definitely a mistake"

Muttering to himself, the man paced the alleyway he was in impatiently. Numerous times every few seconds, he glanced back down at the home screen of his phone to check the time.

'He's still not here even though it's been four minutes past the time he set. Wakanairi didn't seem like the sloppy type- what the hell, I don't even know what type to call that freak'

The man thought to the meeting he had with his partner when he was released, and the report he had to give to his superior.

'He really chewed us out. I told Trey that just because he immigrated with the boss doesn't mean he's an exception to the rules. It's a blessing we were already hurt so that we didn't get a beating. I feel bad for that girl we kept selling to'

'Still, the fact were hurt in the first place by a rookie Vigilante is embarrassing, but weird at the same time. He's capable enough to take down Frey when he's amped, knows about Overhaul and his procedure, and just popped up less than a month ago? It's not adding up. He might be a plant by the Association- stop worrying!'

Taking a deep breath in, the man ceased his pacing. 'He's meeting the boss today. Whether he's a plant or not, boss'll know. I just need to do my job and assess him myself so'-

An unholy yell somewhere between an eagle, demon, and chicken sounded right by the man's left ear, making him recoil so hard he slammed the back of his head against the brick wall of the alleyway.

His breathing and adrenaline not allowing him to feel it, his eyes darted to where the noise was and saw the masked figure that had knocked him out the previous night.

Bent over, he saw his attacker shaking to stifle the faint giggles leaving from behind his concealed face, and his fear was replaced with anger.

"First off WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! Secondly, why are you six minutes late? You set the time for two in the morning and you're"-

"First off, I had a stressful day. Secondly, I was taking care of something" A fake deep voice responded, which just made the man sigh.

Truly, he knew his boss would think he was exaggerating. 'This Vig- no, this kid is short as hell and he can't hide how high pitched his normal voice would be without him deepening it. Also, he's skinny as a twig. How did he beat Frey"-

"I'll have you know, in my past life I was taller than you were" Bitterly, the Vigilante spoke as if reading the man's mind, which made him stare at him crazily as well as double take on what just happened.

Deadpanning from underneath your hood, you felt slightly ticked off. 'Fuck this body'

In fact, his expression that easily betrayed his thoughts made you so upset, that your previous feelings of happiness at losing whoever was tailing you felt obsolete.

'Probably the same guy from the alley, I might have to change up my routes' Moving that thought to the back of your mind, you tapped your mask.

"Alright then friend" The voice changer which was attached to your mask kicked in, the one you had been saving up.

'Turns out, Toga's good at anything to do with needles. Even stitching'

There was a certain gleam in your eyes as you looked expectantly at the man. "We going or what?"

After a ten minute walk, you found that you were led to the entrance of a bar.

At the sight of the building, which was neither run down nor expensive-looking, you started shaking. Shaking at the liquid gold within that you had wanted to get your hands on since coming to this world. Oh how you were going to drown yourself in alcohol the first chance you got.

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