School Life

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Due to the fact you'd been attacked, as well as Toshinori's concerns, you were given a week off of school.

During that time you snuck out at night to meet with Toga, talk, and also for you to do something you couldn't at home.


During that time, you did whatever you could to try to at least make it so you could do a single push-up before you were forced to go back.

That week was stuck with you and Toga talking, her calling you crazy for your plan and how she loved it, and you either resting or trying to exercise. It mainly consisted of you unable to move on the couch after only light exercises, but you pushed yourself as hard as this body could manage.

The reason for this was simple. If you tried to become a Vigilante in the pitiful state your body was in, you would die. No ifs, ands, or buts. You'd die trying to stop someone from robbing an old woman's purse, so there was a 0% chance of you living if you were going to do what you were planning to.

That plan, was Eri.

She was your first priority currently, because fictional or not, in your mind no child should have to go through what she's experiencing, not even for a second longer.

You couldn't live with yourself if you let that happen, and you weren't planning on sticking around to the Overhaul arc, not that you'd even let her stay with him that long.

Speaking of Overhaul, this was what you were going to do.
Kill the son of bitch. Either that or if you couldn't, then take Eri away from him.

At this point in the story, the only way to do that would to be contacted by him due to organized crime being in hiding. Such a thing would only happen if he needed manpower.

But what if you could get him to approach you specifically? For example, if they weren't formed already, requesting you join the Eight Precepts of Death.

In order for that to happen, you needed to be desirable. Desirable in the same way Rappa was, someone who had a reputation and the strength to back it up. You were glad you liked Rappa a lot for the short time he showed up, since that allowed you to remember this information.

To the public you'd be known as a Vigilante, but in all honesty with your plan you'd be closer to a Mercenary.

That was still a far way off though, for now, you had school.

You almost laughed at the thought. You, going to school, it was bound to be an experience. Especially since you were still "Quirkless".

Of course, you weren't going to reveal you had a Quirk. You were going to hold that off until it got closer to the UA exams in case someone made a connection between the Quirkless boy who just got his Quirk and the new Vigilante that recently showed up.

When you did reveal you had a Quirk, you were also going to tell Toshinori it was One for All, that you knew about it, and show him who his daughter truly was.

Or at least, that was the plan. You weren't stupid enough to believe that everything would end up the way you wanted it to, but it was nice to have a goal.

You almost broke your alarm by throwing it against your closet, and that combined with the morning light that seeped through your open window finally woke you up.

Sore and stiff would be the best way to describe what you were feeling, despite you barely working out yesterday. Rest was apart of the process too after all, no matter how uncomfortable it made you.

Thankfully though, the week wasn't in vain. By the end of it, you were able to preform three pushups. Not to mention you could keep down around 20% of a meal, those meals being the one Toga stole. 'I'm gonna to have to change that later. I encourage stealing but she's getting beat up daily'

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