How The World First Fell

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"Nah, you fucking splattered. You dead as hell"

"That's rather harsh!"

Shrugging at Izuku's reaction, that being of him shaking meekly at the comment due to him not having a retort, you motioned for him to continue.

"I think I'm still in your? my? body. That would explain why my habits happen when you're in control, as I'm not completely gone, so my own instincts are still within my body. Also, it tells us why I can feel the other spirits within One For All, and how I'm able to talk to you" Looking down, Izuku spoke his thoughts as they came.

'Is that what I look like when I start ranting?' Painfully, you winced.

"So, you're inhabiting your body, which I have control over? That's so much more complicated than I tho"- You paused as Izuku suddenly shivered, conditioned fear crossing his features.

"I-I think that confirms it, I can't believe I can f-feel them from here" He muttered with widened eyes.

"Feel what?"
"Y/N, wake up"

Jolting upright, you did so just in time to avoid a blast which would've woken you up in a more disorienting manner, one that slammed down unto the desk.

An expression of shock crossed you as you instinctively nearly charged up One For All, but you stopped as you realized the environment.

Backugo was staring at you with bloodshot eyes, an unreasonable amount of anger radiating from him, one that shouldn't be possessed by someone who hadn't even gotten a job yet.

Moving your eyes to the side, you saw Izumi look on with a satisfied smirk as she slowly raised a hand, preparing to use her own Quirk.

Fully digesting the situation at hand, you did a 90 degree turn away from the blonde and began to olympic sprint towards Izumi, your form impeccable.

Baffled at the response, your "sister" floundered for a few moments due to how unexpected the situation was along with your eerily perfect form. Backugo was quicker to adapt, sprinting after you with his hands glowing.

"What the hell!"
In a panicked yelp she used her Quirk to repel you just before you collided with her, boosting you backwards.

Using this momentum, you allowed yourself to go with it and dropped into a slide, going under Backugo's legs while making a pouty face in order to be as petty as possible.

Swerving as your momentum died, you used that to position yourself so that you were running in the same direction, only one isle down from the duo.

No one was there, but you weren't aiming for people. Instead, everyone remaining in the class as it was time to go home stared with bulging eyes as you dived headfirst out the window.

"Holy shit!"
"He's dead!"
"He finally did it!"

As the numerous shouts from the remaining students echoed, Backugo ran up to the window with a panicked look, his hands gripping the windowsill as he peered over it.

At that moment, realization set in that his classroom was only on the first floor. This was further reinforced by the fact that you were laying on the ground back-first, hands behind your head with a smug grin to boot.

"Awwwww...were you worried about me?" You spoke in a voice one would use to talk to a baby.

"Gekekekekekeke" Giggling in a beyond malicious way, you witnessed the blonde close his eyes and slowly begin to shake, as if a volcano within him was about to erupt.

"Where is he?!" An angry yell from inside that was easily recognizable as Izumi made Backugo turn to her momentarily.

When he looked back, you were already gone. Which only made him even more furious than before.

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