Fight Of Your Life

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Masks. Everyone wears them.

Going out every day, everyone puts on a mask. People wear different masks in different environments, and further put on new ones depending on who they're with in said environments.

Different people have different standards. Different sense of humours, and different personalities. So, different masks are necessary.

Even around those you love, you may still wear a mask. Whether that be so you don't let them down or hurt them with what you really think, or you're just pretending to like something they do so they don't feel bad.

You hated it. Masks concealed who people were even if their true selves slipped through with a laugh or a shout. And from your experience one's true self was beyond ugly. Yet, prettier to look at than a fake exterior.

Despite this, you had worn a mask for most of your life. This mask wasn't of your own choosing though. Instead, it was forged by others. A mask that wouldn't break, crack, nor reveal a single speck of the face behind it.

Shattering it was the first thing you did when you gained freedom.

Unfortunately, your true face wasn't welcome in your world. It wouldn't last. Or at least, it wouldn't have if you didn't have the power to back it up.

If people tried not to look at who you truly were, you made them. Through every means possible, you refused to be anything but yourself.

Here though, it was a different story.

Two muggers were supposed to be easy. They had minor Quirks and even with their bodies being naturally enhanced, you had more than enough skill to knock them out and save the victim.

You were embarrassed. Your blows lacked power, your limbs were too short to connect half the time, and your skills made up for shit with how weak you were.

You felt afraid. It was through desperation and deception alone you managed to kill the girl, having to resort to using her own Quirk against her since anything else wouldn't be enough.

The man of the two decimated you afterwards. It was an utter beatdown that left you withered when it all ended, and through a last ditch effort you had to shoot him in the head with a gun that wasn't even yours.

If Toga hadn't brought you out of that alley, you had no doubt you'd be dead due to your injuries.

It never should've came to that though. It never should've even came to killing them. You were just so pathetic it was the only way out.

So the mask came back on.

What else could you do? The mask that hid your true self and was instead made up of lies was the only protection you had. It was the person Toga got to know. The person that unknowingly manipulated her.

Unfortunately, that mask was uncomfortable after not being worn for so long. So in a moment of hubris, you took it off. Only for a split second, but you still showed your true face.

Complacency and moments of confidence caused this. It seemed your injuries and halting half your ear sliced off wasn't enough to warm you.

Now you were here.

A blow connected with the side of your skull through your strapped down hoodie, sending you plummeting and skidding to the ground in the direction of the hit. The force of which essentially making you ragdoll throughout.

Immediately, your vision spun and blurred. The yells of the excited crowd seemed nothing more than background noise as ringing that drowned it out. It was a symphony of lights that danced around you, but you pushed that all away.

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