It Starts Now

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This, this was what you had been waiting for. What you had been craving.

You couldn't help but let out a yell of pure excitement as you jumped, landing into a roll on another rooftop and immediately popping back up to your feet to continue your sprint.

The wind whipped against your green, unruly hair, causing it to move unpredictably while you ran. It was accompanied by a dry feeling in your lungs as you had no regard for keeping your mouth closed as you sprinted, but that only added to the pure adrenaline rush that was coursing through you.

This was something you had missed.

Even though you were already almost out of breath, the free feeling of running and jumping out of reach from the world was pure euphoria. The only thing that was missing was a fight.

That was another thing that worried you, fighting. In all honestly you loved it. Loved making a few jokes while throwing a few fists, but that was when you could afford to make them, although to your credit sometimes they just came out unconsciously as a coping method. Your last fight against the muggers was, in short, a travesty.

It got to the point where you were scared, something you hadn't felt in a long time. There was no time or chance to joke around, and it served as a wake up call. A reality check. That was why for this first patrol you'd get the fighting over with (if you encountered anything) then joke after if you could control it.

To most, you seemed like a shadow running from rooftop to rooftop, which in fairness, you couldn't blame them. Your black hoody and pants blended in with the night around you and holy shit you were tired.

You had to force yourself to stop, and you laid your back against the building your were on's ledge, your hoarse breath coming out in sputters.

Thankfully, all the buildings were close in nature in your first ever patrol area, which led to you not having to put much effort in for leaps. Still, you were decently out of shape, after all one week can only do so much compared to the progress that needed to be made.

After you were found, for some "bizarre" reason, All Might stopped patrolling the area and went back to his usual spots. Due to this, the crime in the area picked up to a point beyond where it was originally.

So it wasn't surprising when you found what you were looking for.

You arrived just in time to witness one man cornering another, and watch the aggressor put a hand over the other's forehead.

The victim struggled a bit, but you could see the strength in his body fading as his consciousness followed.

'Emitter type unless his clothing is hiding a mutation. Possibly a Quirk that can disrupt minds or possibly even take control of the others body, which he could be using to cut off blood flow to the brain. Quirks like that are more rare though so it's more likelythattheQuirkfocusesonthementalstateofitstargetandcansomehow'-

'Damnit it happened again'

Noting that you probably wanted to get down there before the attacker left, you took in the height from you to the struggle, as well as how wide the alley they were in was.

Pulling up your hood and slipping up the black surgical mask Toga had stashed away (you didn't ask why) you mentally prepared yourself.

'Ok, this is risky since this isn't my body, but I still have experience doing this so I should be okay for a few jumps'

Taking a deep breath in, you launched yourself downwards at a diagonal angle.

Making sure to land on one foot, you pushed off against the alley's wall, bouncing to the next one and repeating the process, only this time pushing yourself off so that instead of aiming for a wall, you instead went flying towards the attacker.

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