Future Aspirations

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It was quite easy for Toga to transport you out of the warehouse. After all, like she repeatedly commented, your body was skinny, frail, weak, and every other description under the sun. One could even guess you had brittle bones.

"If I threw you off a building, would you fly?" Toga's words still echoed through your mind, and you remember seeing she genuinely wanted to test this theory out.

You decided that it'd be best if you both did this little operation during the night, since neither of you wanted the warehouse to be discovered and it wasn't like she could go dragging a body around in broad daylight.

Speaking of the warehouse, something was definitely wrong with it.

It was just one out of many in the area, and yet, it was the perfect place to live in.

Besides the huge open area that the warehouse had, it even accommodated two rooms, a bathroom with a shower and cold but still running running water. There a kitchen which looked like it hadn't been touched. Probably since all the equipment was broken.

Lights were working faintly in every part of the place but the main area, and to be honest, it was beyond suspicious. The makeshift generator you found powering these appliances didn't help your paranoia. It looked to be done by a single person.

You asked Toga about the other ones nearby, but she said that they were nothing like this, and were just filled to the brim with "useless stuff" and had no such things like a kitchen and bathroom with a run down but still working shower.

This worried you since you could tell a single person made the generator, and that means said person might be using that place as some sort of safe house.

If they could afford to have a safe house like this, then you definitely did not want to be the subject of their anger.

Besides that, you discussed the plan with Toga.

The idea was to make it seem like she found you in an alley, in bad shape but also bandaged, and afterwards the innocent schoolgirl would panically run around asking for someone to call an ambulance.

Explaining her fingerprints on the bandages would be chocked down to her going into shock and seeing if you were injured, and therefor touching them.

Of course it was a flimsy plan, especially since you didn't know what Quirk's detectives or officers had, but you doubted they would get someone actually useful on the case, and that was for one reason.

In the eyes of everyone, you were still "Quirkless".

Izuku had been down to the station multiple times according to his journal so there was no doubt they'd recognize, and also dismiss you. After all, they had better things to be working on than a stranger that "mugged" someone who didn't even have a Quirk.

'Gotta love racism- QUIRKISM'

Now of course, Toga would need to physically transport you to some random alley, and that was an issue.

As she hoisted you up over one her shoulders with ease, you suppressed a gasp of pain at the fact your injured ribs were being pressed against her shoulder.

It hurt like hell, but it was better than whatever place you were before you got here, to this world.

"Onwards!" You shouted, pointing in the direction of the cracked open, huge door.
"Yes sir!" She responded before sprinting out of the abandoned building.

You noticed it now, the difference. It wasn't just because your body was weak and small, but that Toga was just incredibly fast. In fact, you bet that she was way faster than the top pro runners of your time. It was the difference between someone who's body adapted to carry the burden of a Quirk, and someone born without it.

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