Summer break

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June 9th
13:00 - first day of summer break-
It was the first day of summer break, Amy was over at Biancas house they were both talking about the next protective hairstyle to get for the summer.
Amy-"Im thinking maybe goddess braids"

Amy says kicking her feet up in the air while laying on Biancas queen sized bed.
Bianca-" BRO, I feel like everyone gets them I want something like passion twists"

Amy-"Aight will get those then, but ima switch it up and add a little red color in them don't ye think"
Bianca-" duh we ain't bout to be some basic bitches"

Bianca says while organizing her closet.
Bianca-"You wanna head over to the store to get some some snacks."

Amy-" I would but my mom is inviting her alien lookin boyfriend over, I swear he looks like he snuck he's ugly ass on too earth"
Bianca giggled " I'm sure he isn't that bad"


After Amy left Bianca put on some grey sweats and a white crop top cause it was BURNING outside, got a mf thinking they was swimming in hell, she put her Jordans on, ( yes we finna be basic with em Jordan's 😒)

Bianca went down stairs and went to get her bike form the garage
Bailey-" B are you going somewhere"

Bianca-" ye I'm heading to the store you need anything"
Bailey-" can you get a some apple juice for your sister"
"Sure" Bianca muttered to her self.

She was cycling for a few minute until she saw the store right at the end. Bianca jumped of her bike and threw it to the side entering the shop, she was met by a smiling fez " sup b , how you been"
Bianca-" sup fez, I'm aight you"
"always good"

Fez replied talking in his usual slow voice which Bianca loved.  " Is ash here" she asked pointing at the fridge door " ye he's there" fez replied.
Bianca opened the door meeting eyes with Ashtray counting money.

Bianca-" So yo ass is gonna be counting shit all summer"
Ashtray looked up " nah I'm finna go get my nails done then go party and talk to my girls, the fuck you think" Ashtray exaggerated chuckling to himself , earning a slight giggle from Bianca.

Bianca went to sit down next to Ashtray laying her head on Ashtrays lap
" you got plans this summer" Ashtray asked playing with her braids " nah not much I'm just thinking of getting my hair redone, sleep in chill with Amy and Rue" 

" So yo ass ain't finna hang with me"
Ashtray mugged " nah I'd rather be caught licking the gas station floor" Bianca giggled. Ashtray flicked her forehead with his fingers earning an unamused look from her

" Yk your folks used to do that to my ancestors back in the day"
Ashtray-" Shut the fuck up b "
Bianca-" they tried to silence us too"


What did y'all think 🤭 DONT BE AFRAID TO COMMENT I DONT BITE 🧍‍♂️

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