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Saturday 12:02
Bianca woke up wrapped in Ashtrays arms
Suddenly remembering about the party which was horrible by the way

Turns out her and ashtray got so incredibly drunk that. They had absolutely zero interaction with each other that night, so it was obviously fez who had brought her to their house.

"Ash" Bianca whispered in his ear trying to wake him up
He didn't budge ones, all she could here were his light snores which made Bianca cheese for some reason.

"Mhm" he said snuggling into her neck
"I need to get a glass of water can u let go"
"Can u get some for me too"
"Aight" b mumbled getting out of bed seeing that she was changed into a hoodie and a pair of ash's basketball shorts


"Here u go" b said handing him a cold glass of water and ibuprofen sitting on the edge of the bed by his side.

"I gotta ask u something" Bianca said trying to keep her calm.

"Shoot" ash said sitting up from his position displaying his bare abs and perfect v-line
Making it harder for her to concentrate.

"Okay so, I'm gonna try and get this out in the best way possible ......I really want to know what u feel about us like relationship wise" b asked tampering with the bedsheets.

"I don't really know .....I mean I'm up for anything ig" ash said with  no emotion at all.

Which made Biancas heart drop, what if he really just wants to fuck around, and doesn't actually like being with me she thought to her self.

"Ashtray that's not a fucking answer bro" b said looking at him directly in the eyes looking for any sort of emotion.

"Bianca I'm gonna be honest, I love u I wanna be with u I want u to be my girl but ion know, I've never been in like a real relationship and shit , I'm just scared I'ma fuck shit up between us if I do sum wrong" ashtray explained looking Bianca straight in the eye

The room went quite

"Aight, so I'm basically ur side hoe then..huh" Bianca asked sarcastically

"Nah don't say that B u know I love u" he said with empathy in his eyes

The room went quite once again, tension filled it like a thick fog.

"Yeah right, so if we just friends I'm gonna need to put some boundaries on this (FRIENDSHIP)" b said emphasizing the friendship.

"B don't do that shit"
"Wdym don't do that shit cause I ain't about to become one of ur side hoes" b exclaimed

"Aight then be like that" ashtray said getting out of bed in frustration and heading over to the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

"Bitch" b mumbled getting up from his bed and heading down stairs to get breakfast.


14:55 (at Biancas house)

I wanna put a bullet threw his stupid ass head Bianca said over the phone with Veronica.

"Are u sure ur not just overreacting cause cmon he's never really had like real love from a woman before ,he obviously cares".  Explained

"Nah uh.. fuck him, like I'm not mad that he didn't want us to date, I'm just mad cause he thinks he can fuck around with me acting all boyfriend material and shit"

"Okay u do have a point that was most def wrong of him, but just try have empathy for each other and try communicating PROPERLY B cause this is giving me Maddie and Nate vibes" V fake gagged over the phone making Bianca giggle

"Not too much on my girl now" b giggled

"Anyways, Good luck with ur problems girl I gtg love u"
"Love u" b replied ending the call.


Bianca then decided to go to the corner store to see ash not really to apologize just to see if he came to his senses. Cause she was petty like that.

She walked in making direct eye contact with ash who already had a frustrated expression on his face.

"Wtf do you want b" ash said with a tone of an unleashed storm.

"Nothin I was just checking in" b shrugged knowing that she was making ashtray even more mad.

She stood there analyzing every move he made for a few seconds.

"Yo are u gonna buy something or stare at me the whole day"

"I just wanted to see if u had came to ur senses" b smirked looking at ash tense up.

"U still on this shit" he scoffed
"U sTiLl oN tHiS sHit" B mimicked him making him even more mad.

"I swear ima fucking kill yo as" ashtray said clenching his jaw.

"Do it pussy" b said knowing damn well ash would never lay a hand on her.

Which he would obviously never do, he would never lay his hands on a girl especially Bianca, no matter how much she got on his nerves.

Silence filled the room once again with ash just intensively staring down at b soon getting distracted by a group of boys walking in all of them eying Bianca In sync.

One of them winking at her.

"The fuck u lookin at" ashtray said eying the boys that walked in grabbing 4 beers from the fridge.

"Nothin" one of the boys snapped back at ash.

"U want one mama" the second on with locs asked smirking at her.

"Nah she's good" ashtray answered for her before she could open her mouth to say something

"No.. I actually would love one" b said secretly flipping ashtray of.

One of the boys went back to the fridges to get another one when ashtray then interrupted.

"Lay a hand on that damn fridge and ima kill all of y'all on sight"

"Chill bro is she ur girl or sum"

"Nun of ur business now get the fuck out of here" ash said with a hint of venom in his voice seeing the boys wink at b and leave.

"Sooo" Bianca said opening up a bag of gum and sitting on the counter next to the cash register there ash stood.

" fuck of Bianca" ash said realizing that Bianca was right with what she had said earlier.
This wasn't friendship activity at all

"I gotta go" b said hoping of the counter and giving ash a friendly hug "bye best friend " she exclaimed seeing an annoyed expression appear on ashtrays face

Making her laugh to herself
"I'm such a badass bitch" the girl mumbled to herself cheesing on how amazing she was.


I'm gonna hunt u down  find ur address and bomb u if u dont share ur opinion 😒 I'm tired of y'all silent readers


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