Horny ass #2

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Saturday 22:32
Bianca had just come back after hanging out with Amy, she knocked on the door which was opened by fez
" good evening mr O'neil" Bianca said entering the house

"You here for ash?" Fez asked snickering a bit at the title Bianca gave him.
"No I'm here to hang out with you, why does ash always come up in our conversations" B complained

"I don't know, maybe cause u with him a lot" fez said smoking a blunt
Bianca rolled her eyes and went upstairs to ashtrays room

" did you finish jerking of" Bianca asked with a smirk plastered on her face at ash laying in bed on his phone

" that wasn't cool b it hurt" ashtray said eyeing her
"Ion give two fucks ash you ignored me the whole day" she said getting into bed with him

Ashtray rolled his eyes and cuddled into her neck, kissing her slightly whilst giving her hickeys

"Ashtray I swear if you try to pull the shit on me I will fuck u up"

"Yeah right" ash mumbled into her neck continuing

"Ashtray" Bianca said pinching him
"Yo that shit hurts don't do that" ash complained
"Don't bite me u perv"
"Yk u like it"

"Shut up ashtray, before I shove a gun up your ass"
Bianca said mumbling the last part

"Oh so u freaky like that" ash said said chuckling
"Sorry" ash said smirked drifting of to sleep.

Short chapter 🤭

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