East highland

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Biancas pov:

Monday 6:00am
My dumb as thought we was finna get raided with the sound my alarm made.
"Bbb, Im of to drop your sister at school okay your cooking dinner i have a late shift tonight"
Her mum yelled from downstairs, everyone be yelling in this house for some damn reason 😒 lazy as mfs.

Fuck everyone I should just die now right here and now what if I jumped of a bridge or got ran over B thought . But she new damn well she had no balls to do that shit.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I lathered my self in vanilla scented washing jell. I then got out got my school outfit ready, first day of Euphoria high I feel nervous as fuck, b thought to herself.
She heard a notification coming from her phone and unlocked it.

Good luck at school ma
You need a ride?
Thank you, nah ima
walk thanks though
                         Don't miss me too much 💋
Fuck you b
                                 Love you ❤️

" talk about husband material" a voice was heard behind Bianca
" FUCK YOU Amy why the fuck are you here"
Amy startled me that bitch is everywhere.
" ye but your def ass couldn't here me Nigga had to almost break in, that boy got you on a choke holder just like back in the day 😔"
Amy said laying on bs bed
" girl stf up" b rolled her eyes looking through her wardrobe.
" soo what you planning to wear " Amy asked
While texting Troy
" mmm maybe like a skirt and a crop top or like maybe some cargos"
" tf is yo as going basic for honey it's East highland"
" well then ima choose from these

" soo what you planning to wear " Amy askedWhile texting Troy " mmm maybe like a skirt and a crop top or like maybe some cargos" " tf is yo as going basic for honey it's East highland"" well then ima choose from these

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" this one looks cute"I went to the bathroom to get changed

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" this one looks cute"
I went to the bathroom to get changed.
" BRUV I forgot to add my beads in"
" put them in after school" Amy rolled her eyes at the dramatic girl.
" can we pick up Starbucks on our way there"
" aight but you ass is paying"
I rolled my eyes at Amy.

Third person:
As much as Bianca didn't want to admit it she had a bit of anxiety, it want that bad but it would get to her sometimes.

They were parked out of the school,
" Fuck I'm scared" Amy said lookin all tensed up and shit. Which freaked Bianca out cause she is used to be the one feeling tense.
" you have your fucking fuck buddy who goes here your fine, I ain't got no one"
" girl you got rue" Amy exclaimed
" bitch bffr, she finna ghost me AGAIN just like my dad did" b said with an unamused look on her face.
Earning a slight chuckle from Amy.

The girls got out the car and walked in there were so many people a few of them eying them down. the girls walked to the assembly hall.
" We would like to welcome all new students to East highland, we hope that we get to share a wonderful year with all of you"
Everyone applauded, except Amy she new what they was saying was all bullshit everyone new the school was just surrounded by drugs, drama and sex. Nothing less nothing more. The day ended shortly after because it was the girls first day.
" BITCHESSSS" Biancas childhood friend Victoria yelled
" OMG VICTORIA I didn't know you went her"
B exclaimed
" you look so hot damn i never recognized your ass, do a lil spin for mi girly" Victoria practically screamed
" hi my name is Victoria,v said hugging Amy"
" I love this bitch already" Amy said making the girls laugh
A blond girl walked up to v, I recognized her from some where, I wasn't that sure though.
" hi I'm Emily, you probably already know me" she smiled. oh YEAH she was that bitch that kept on eyeing me and ash at the party. Didn't expect to see her and Victoria become friends.
"Mhmmm" Amy replied rolling her eyes at Emily
It was a little awkward between the girls seeing the tension between Emily and Amy, V interrupted by asking what they were planning for the day. " we're gonna probably hang out at fez's shop and ima get my hair beads in"
" oh lol I never thought you guys would be that girly" Emily said. Earning a judgmental look from Bianca "this bitch is gonna be the death of me" Bianca muttered to herself.
"Eh, can we come with you guys I ain't got shit to do" Victoria said trying to lighten up the mood " ye sure" Amy said dryly .
The girls arrived at the store, Bianca walked in first seeing fez talking to Lexi. " hi Lexi hi fez" she said in a flirty way eyeing them smiling and blushing all over the place( damn I'm single)
" hi" Lexi said trying to hide her pink cheeks
" sup, y'all here for ash, his in the back" fez smiled talking in his usual slow pace. The girls were bout to walk into the fridge when A BIG FAT MOUTH OPENED UP " bye fezzy" Emily said pouting a little " bye" fez said with a questionable look since he had never met or seen her.

" hello Ashtray" " wsg ma" he said getting up to hug her ignoring the girls in the room, " I'm Emily, you probably know me already" Victoria kicked her leg and whispered to Emily to shut up, Emily just pouted and looked down.
" im just here for weed and then ima dip"
Amy said looking at Emily with a disgusting grimace on her face.

Ashtray sat back and got the weed out. THEN EMILY BEING THE BIG BALD BLONDE UGLY BITCH she is went to sit next to Ashtray, ashtray didn't look amused .
" yo can you move a little" ashtray said with an annoyed voice not lifting his eyes from the drugs.
"Okayyy" Emily scooted to the side
Victoria was embarrassed that she brought Emily over. " that will be $30" ash said handing the bag to Amy. " thanks, aight see you tomorrow b"  " bye"

Im gonna go with Amy see ya B, Victoria said she couldn't handle Emily Embarrassing her again. "Bye V" Bianca expected Emily to leave with the other girls but she sat still, " ehh I'm gonna go and get something to snack on" b said leaving the awkward room.
she grabbed some skittles and a water
" I have to go bye ashy, Emily said standing up bumping into Bianca and rolling her eyes. " who tf is she" ash asked looking disgusted
" no fucking idea bruh, she's friends with V, I barely know the bitch and she is getting on my fucking nerves"
ashtray giggled " your jealous huh"
" boy please, wanna help me put in my beads"
" on your hair he said playing with her newly done passion twists"
"No on my vagina dumb ass"
" I don't mind either way" ash said smirking at her.
" you disgusting bald bastard" Amy giggled rolling her eye at ash.

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