Party prep

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Friday 14:54

Bianca had walked over at Roy and Troys house after school to help prep for the party they were gonna be hosting, since their parents were out of town.

"do u really think this a good idea, cause if u get caught and ur parents know that I was here my mama's gonna whoop my ass" Bianca said placing the decorations she had just got from their basement on the kitchen counter

"Nah dw about it, we got everything planned out" Troy said a little to surely

"Aight im just saying if you do get caught don't rat me out"

"Now why would we do that in the first place" Roy said coming down the stairs joining into their conversation.
"Just saying" b mumbled


"No hang it slightly to the left" B said directing Troy and Roy while they hung up a gold curtain tinsel,
"Nah I'm playing to the right"
"B I SWEAR WE BEEN DOIN THIS FOR 30 MINUTES" they both yelled at her in sync

"My bad it's good like that"
Bianca said surrendering like someone had held her at gun point

They then hung it up and got of the ladder they had put up

"Imagine being so short that u need a ladder to hang up tinsel"B snickered
"Stfup " Troy said
"That's why yo as single" Roy said while slightly hitting the back of Biancas head
Making Troy giggle at Biancas unpleased meme

"Sup b" McKay said walking into the kitchen with a bunch of drinks setting them down on the counter.

"Sup" Bianca replied looking up from her phone
"How u doing" McKay asked

"I'm good, u" Bianca said reaching over to the drinks to unpack them and put them in the cooler.
"I'm aight just a few..... relationship problems yk"
McKay said not looking so happy anymore
"Is it Cassie" Bianca  asked

"Yeah" McKay responded
"Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that I hope y'all fix it up"
Bianca said knowing damn well that she was bluffing and McKay was way to good for Cassie's stupid behavior
"Thanks shorty" McKay said giving her a fist bumb and heading upstairs to get ready.
"Such a pure idiotic soul" b mumbled to herself
Snacking on the rest of troys crisps he had left

"Ay don't touch my shit" Troy yelled spotting Bianca steal his crisps.

"DonT touch My ShIt" B said mimicking the boys deep voice, while continuing to munch on his crisps.


18:35 (Amy's house)

"AMYYYY" Bianca said walking up the stairs to Amy's room
"AMYY U IN THERE" Bianca said trying to open Amy's bedroom door that seemed locked
"Wait give me a min" Amy respond

Soon after 5 minutes Troy had walked out of the room
"Yo wtf" B said looking at Troy in a disgusted way
Making Troy chuckle at her and lick his lips

"Amy that's hella disgusting I'm not stepping in that room
"Girl please he was only helping me pick a dress for tonight" Amy said rolling her eyes at bs dramatic act
"Ion trust u" Bianca said sitting down in front of  Amy's vanity

"So where's the dress"b  curiously asked out of boredom while tampering with Amy's clear glosses

"Wait give me a sec let me put it on" Amy said walking into her bathroom with an excited meme plastered on her face

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