Pool party #2

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Rue narrating
Bianca had stayed up almost all night thinking of what had happened. She had never had any male affection before, I meen boys tried to hit on her all the time but she had always declined. She didn't know why though, although Bianca was very ongoing and independent love scared her more than anything, especially after what had happened with her mum. She was lost....

Saturday 10:45
Bianca had only slept for 2 hours and was exhausted. She woke up to ash's arms resting around her waist, his face was snuggled into her milkers 🤭 (YE you heard me MILKERS 😒). " ash" Bianca whispered "mhmm" he mumbled into her chest, " I need to got to the bathroom real quick"
" wait just a few minutes"
" dude I'm gonna pee on you"
" then pee"
She then rolled her eyes
" give me a kiss and you can go"
Bianca rolled her eyes playfully and then pecked his lips and got out of his grasp entering the bathroom, " gosh I look like a fucking mess" she thought to her self looking in the mirror. Bianca rinsed her face with cold water reaching for the towel to dry her face, when she remembered that one towel could be used for multiple things.

"Fuck" b mumbled, she used to the hoodie she was wearing to wipe her face. Knowing that she would start braking out in a few days. She then walked out of the bedroom seeing ashtray looking at the security cameras.

She was mesmerized, the way he sat with his legs spread out, his perfectly veiny hands on the keyboard, his perfect jawline, his sharp v line. His amazing side profile he was just perfect.

"Yo b you good" ashtray worriedly asked
"Yeah. Do you want anything special for breakfast"
"Nah just cereal but I can fix it up myself"
" aight tell me if you need anything"
" will do "ashtray replied turning back to the security cameras

" this mf got me working like crazy" Bianca mumbled to her self.
Ashtray heard what she had said and chuckled quietly to himself, making Bianca turn around and flip him of. "Bitch" she mumbled while going down the stairs.

"Morning Faye" b smiled
"Morning" Faye smiled back opening the fridge to get a can of soda
Ashtrays foot steps were heard coming down the stairs.
"Morning fez" Bianca smiled
"Morning b. You got something on your neck"
Fez said pointing towards her neck.

"What. Oh" Bianca then remembered the marks ashtray had left last night, she tried to cover them with the hood of her hoodie, Ashtray watched her and sniggered, which made everyone turn toward him.

"What" Ashtray questioned acting innocent. He then slightly touched Biancas waist as he reached over to grab his cereal. Making b earn butterflies in her stomach.

" now I don't now what's up with y'all but ion want your mother to get mad at me if y'all end up popping out baby's" fez said scratching his head and placing his used blunt into the ashtray on the table.

" I wouldn't mind b popping my babies" ashtray smirked and shrugged.
"ewww bro" Bianca said slapping the back of Ashtrays head, making him giggle.
Fez just giggled at Biancas actions standing up to go and watch tv.

"If you say something like that again I'm gonna jump your ass" b said
"Try me" ash smirked
"Bitch" b mumbled
"I love you" ash slightly yelled while Bianca was going up the stairs,

his words made her smile.
She felt special to him, loved and cared for but she new it wouldn't last with Ashtrays lifestyle it was hard for her to think of any future for them which made her want to lock her self up and cry, she couldn't imagine a life without ashtray it was almost impossible...

Hi y'all what did you guys think🤭 I personally think this chapter was okay I'm trying to better my writing feel free to share some tips.

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