Stubborn a-hole

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Thursday 15:32

Ash and Bianca hadn't talked since their last encounter at the store,

Bianca was still wondering how ash felt towards her but didn't want to chase for his answer or ask him straight up again, cause Bianca was most definitely not gonna chase a man.ever.

While she was overthinking about that ash smoked his feelings away, he didn't know what to do or say, it wasn't that he didn't want a relationship with Bianca it was just that he didn't trust himself, i mean his a drug dealer and has a bad history with the amount of girls he's hooked up with,
He just didn't want any of that getting to Bianca.

So there was no way ashtrays stubborn ass would reach out to her, which once again made it impossible for them to share their feelings.


15:32 (Biancas house)

"So tell me more" Biancas mother continued on their conversation which was mostly consisted of Bianca rambling all about how much she hated but loved ashtray all at the same time.

"Honey he's just a little boy  who hasn't experienced love before, I'm sure he'll come to his senses just bare with him"

Biancas mum explained which made B mad for some reason

"But why does he get to get away with this shit about not knowing how to be "loved" "
b snapped out of no where

"Watch ur tone girl before I pop ur ass I ain't one of yo lil friends" bs mum stated

"Trust me u two need to talk, try ur best to get him to express his emotions, I'm a hundred percent sure he'll come around"

"if u say so" Bianca replied

You really don't think Bianca was about to go to ash again, cause if u though so u were wrong, when Bianca says she has self respect and will not chase after no man she means it, the lord would have to go make them meet up some how cause there was no way on earth she was going to talk with


Friday 12:30

The girls where sitting at lunch talking about the leaked video of Kat.

"That's doesn't sound like something Troy would do" Amy said trying to make Troy seem innocent.

"Please that sounds exactly like something Troy would do " Maddie said rolling her eyes at Amy

"Ngl I'm on Maddie side that shits fucked up" bb stated

"But what if it wasn't even her on there" Amy said

"But isn't that like child pornography" b asked tuning into the conversation

"It kinda is" they all said in sync

"Okay nvm I get yall Troy isn't the brightest mf on earth" Amy said getting frustrated at Troys stupid behavior.

Bianca just sat there hearing them bicker about it, the only thing that was on her mind was Ashtray, even though she didn't want to engage in a conversation with him first she couldn't admit that she wanted to see his cute face  and his cute ass smile especially  when his dimples showed.

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