Horny ass

378 4 3

17:54 {Ashtray room}

Bianca sat up from Ashtrays bed walking towards him and moving one side of his headset of his ear , "helloo tf" Bianca whispered in his ear.

"You good" ashtray asked taking of his headset. He looked up from his computer turning his chair to Bianca. Ashtray sat in grey sweats no shirt and a gold chain hanging down his chest, his perfect shaped v line showing doing the manspread( man whore 😒)
"Can we go get food" Bianca said leaning on his chair. "Whatchu want" "ehh McDonald's"aight you're ordering it though"

"Your so fucking boring bruh" B said rolling her eyes, and turning back to lay on his bed.
Ashtray put his headset back on ignoring Bianca.

Bianca then decided to text Amy, until Ashtray slammed his headset on the floor with rage " I swear this people are fucking idiots" ashtray yelled. Bianca ignored his behavior and kept on chatting with Amy.


A few hours had passed and ash was still playing.
"Huh" Ashtray replied not even laying an eye on Bianca.

Bianca then got annoyed and went to sit down on ashtrays lap facing him
"U good?" Ashtray asked confused by her actions
"Mhm" Bianca mumbled into his neck, making him drop his head back feeling her soft lips caress against his neck
She then started placing light kisses on his neck taking in his scent
"Ma can we please do this later, I can't concentrate" ash pleaded finally looking at the girl
"I'm not doing nun" b smirked
ashtray playfully rolled his eyes with a smirk forming on his lips. 
Bianca then started moving around at a slow pace grinding on ashtray while continuing to give him light kisses that slowly started to turn ruff.

That's when she heard  ashtray grown and give up turning of his pc
She then lifted her head and kissed him with I smile on her face, is slowly turned into a make out sesh
Her hand around his neck while she slowing started grinding on him hearing small growns from him now and then, she then bit his lip make her tongue enter in moaning into him making ashtray body react incredibly , she then felt something grow  beneath her which made her pull away from ashtray who had a lustful look in his eyes, the only thing you could here was the heavy breathing .

Ashtray was about to kiss her again when Bianca moved her head making ashtray look at her strangely, she pecked his cheek.

B then stood up out of his lap grabbing her phone
"Bye shorty I'm gonna hang out with Amy"
"B wtf , you can't do that shit look at me "
Ashtray whinned pointing at the bulge that had formed under his pants
"So, go jerk of or som" Bianca rolled her eyes at him
" but I'm horny asf rn, you can't leave me like this, ma please" ashtray pleaded
"No, I'm gonna ignore you they way you ignored me" Bianca said sticking her middle finger up at Ashtray and dancing her way out of the room.

"Fuck" ashtray sighed to himself

Tell me if this is horrible 😭

🙆‍♀️ don't hide people


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