Secret relationship?

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Friday 14:32

School had just ended when Bianca was on her way out.
"Wait isn't that ash" Maddie said pointing at a car that was parked

"Shit" b mumbled
"I thought u we're over him" Maddie said raising an eyebrow at Bianca
"Well things changed,pls don't tell Amy, she like almost despises him now"
"Dw girl,Nate and I are worse ur secrets safe with me bae" Maddie said giggling
"Thanks I'll see u on Monday"
"Bye, make sure to use a condom " Maddie yelled at the girl making her mentally face palm herself
In embarrassment

"Tf are u doin here, I'm still mad at u yk"
Bianca said opening the car door putting on an unpleasant look.

"Cant I come pick up my bestie" Ashtray said smirking at Bianca.

"No" b said rolling her eyes at his poor attempt to make her mad.

"U wanna head straight to the store or get something to eat" he asked pulling out of the parking lot.

"I wanna go home, and be in my bed.....I wanna sleep" Bianca said leaning her head onto the car door.
"Aight I guess we're going to the store then"
Ash said

Bianca sat on the counter next to the register leaning on to the shelf's trying her best to stay awake while ashtray restocked a few things at back.

"Yk when I think about it I haven't slept in my own bed in a while" b said out of no we're trying to start a conversation in the quite atmosphere.

"Thanks for the useful information" ash said walking over with a box of goods and placing it next to b by the register.

"Ur no use right now so u can go ahead and unpack these please" ash said

"EXUsE u absolutely not, first off all it was u who dragged me here"

"And u came so, what's ur point"

"Nuh uh, I can sit here and watch you unpack that's all I can do, my arms hurt I've been working out, and they might end up falling of if I lift anything" b said coming up with a stupid excuse

"Ur so damn lazy"
"Let me be lazy I deserve it after all my ppl have been through"

"Bro" ash said looking at b with an unamused look
"What." She said looking at him back slightly smirking.

A few hours had passed and Ashtray was at Biancas house.

They were watching a movie in the living room sitting the opposite sides of each other due to Biancas "friendship boundaries"

"This shits boring asf" ashtray said.

"Suck it up, nobody's forcing u to stay" Bianca said rolling her eyes at him seeing a smirk form on his face, realizing how dirty minded the white boy could be.

"Eww no wtf I don't mean it like that" she said almost panicking
"I didn't even say nun" ash sniggered.

A few minutes had passed..

"I swear I won't touch u can I just sit next too u please" ash pleaded

"No" Bianca said unamused
"Please I swear, friends can sit next to each other yk" the boy pleaded once again.

"Go and get me my cookie dough ice cream first"
"Aight" ash listened to her instructions almost rushing to the freezer.

"Pure idiot" the girl mumbled to herself, the control she had over him made her feel good.

"Here" ash said handing her the ice cream
"u forgot my fork"
"Yeah my fork"
"Who eats ice cream with a fork" ash asked looking at the girl with a weird expression plastered on his face.

"Me tf, go get my fork before I change my mind" Bianca demanded seeing ash rush to the kitchen once again.

He then sat next b leaning on her shoulder
Which didn't bother Bianca at first until he started trailing his hand up her leg.

"Aight sorry I forget" ash smirked
He did it once again
"I swear I will file a restraining order against u"
"Sorry" the boy mumbled
The stupid boy did it once again
"My hand slipped" he mumbled then resting his head onto Biancas lap

"Can I have some" ash said referring to the ice cream b was eating.
She rolled her eyes giving him a bit from her fork

" what did u mean by like u not trusting urself with like us being in a relationship" b suddenly said noticing that the subject had to be took up because of the silence in the room.

"I just feel like I'm kinda reckless sometimes, with myself and I don't want to end up dragging u into my shit" ash said looking up at the girl who was playing with his h(air).

"So u would be open to a relationship but u just don't trust urself, but do u mean in like a way that u could possibly cheat?"

"Nah, it's just how my life style is built up, I'm scared of putting u in danger"
That sentence made Bianca pull a cheesy smile
"Ur so cute sometimes"
She said making ashtray smile which showed his dimples,
"Stop ur making me blush" ash sarcastically said.

Silence filled the room, but it was a comfortable silence this time
"What if we like date but keep it on a low" ashtray suggested
"Sure, Im Up FoR wHaTEvEr" b mimicked ash's exact words he had said a few days ago
"Fuck off"
"Im playing, I wouldn't mind" Bianca smiled

"Would u be my Girlfriend ?" Ash asked cringing at his own words
"No. Use more emotion in it"
"Hell nah" ash said embarrassed
"Then no"
"Okay, would u be my Girlfriend Bianca Williams"
"Eww no not my last name remove that"
" no I'm done, now say yes"
"Sure i guess" Bianca sarcastically said shrugging
"Fuck off" ash chuckled

It's official Biancas finally dating Ashtray O'Neil

I'm sorry y'all I haven't updated
And I had this chapter laying around in my drafts I apologize if it ain't that good cause I kinda rushed through it 😛

But it should do for now/ btw don't mind any spelling mistakes I wrote this quite late  at night😞


Btw when are y'all starting school 🤨
I'm starting on the 17th of August 😞

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