Last day of summer😒

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"BBBB, wake yo ass up honey it is two in the afternoon you got school tomorrow," Biancas mum exclaimed while opening bs curtains up " me and your sister are going to the mall call me if you want anything okay"
"Mhmmm" Bianca mumbled into her pillow
"B" can you at least go get some snacks for school tomorrow at the store just go outside and get some fresh air" 
" okay" b mumbled

Bianca just dreaded school it was boring it was like a never ending life cycle. School is just not needed. Sometimes she would want to drop out maybe become a girl version of ashtray maybe sastray 😏 I'm playing with y'all or maybe a stripper I mean 😏 her mum did it why can't she,  ngl Aunt Martha would've sent her back to her home country, we're ever that is 😒. 

Bianca got out of bed and went straight to the shower to get freshened up, she brushed her teeth and did her edges. She put on this.

B decided to walk to the store today

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B decided to walk to the store today. Which took about 15 minutes. She walked in being met by ashtray at the front counter.
" Hello handsome" she joked ( she wasn't lyin tho🤭)

He smiled a lil
" wachu here for ma, yo hair looks good he smiled pointing at her hair.
It's crazy the way ashtray would smile around Bianca he looked like a lil kid in a candy shop, he looked lost.
" cant I come see my handsome man work, and thank you ash" she once again joked ( GIRL WE ALL KNOW HE IS TOO FINE😒)

He laughed a lil she went up to him and embraced him in a hug smelling his cologne and weed. B gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "are you doing anything later on?" She asked she said standing in between his legs by the counter.

Nah, ain't got much to do"
" wanna go and pick up some hair stuff with me"
" sure let me lock this mf up first" he said hoping of the counter.
Ashtray and b drove to the hair salon cause Bianca wanted to get some beads to put in her hair.

They got out the car, ash was walking right behind Bianca looking like a lost puppy. "Damn this place has a lot of stuff" he said looking around, b chuckled and walked up to the counter. Hey is Jaya here I pre ordered some hair beads a few days ago, Bianca said to the women in the front,

"let me get her for you darling" the lady smiled
" this stuff looks cool, ash said picking up some crystals,
" right I wanna make a collection of them"
Jaya comes out
" damn" she mumbled to herself walking up to the counter.

"There you go $12 please" Jaya said
Ashtray took his card and swiped before Bianca got to take hers out ( imagine if it declined 🤭)
" damn I should get me a white boy" Jaya mumbled but Bianca heard causing her to look up and give Jaya the side eye.

" he's a fine mf" Jaya mouthed too Bianca as they were leaving.
"ASH no my mum gave me money to get the beads" she said walking out of the store

" you can save it now" he shrugged
" thank you, but don't do that again b said she gave him a quick peck on the cheek"
(Now let's bfr b you know damn well you want him to continue 😒)


How y'all like this chapter I think it was kinda lazy bit it's aight💋

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