Sugar daddy

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Bianca hadn't been to school in days, all she did was hang out with ashtray at the store which he did enjoy but was also worried about Biancas academics. They would fight every time about it when she came to the store but ended up making up.
( I said making UP not OUT 😒)

"B I'm serious you can't keep doin this shit yo ass is goin to school tomorrow" ashtray said with a stern look on his face. " you can't say shit you don't have to go to school" Bianca rolled her eyes. " don't roll your eyes at me, bitch" Ashtray said looking straight into Biancas eyes.

Bianca suddenly burst into laughter " you think you scare me huh" she said "Nah, im just tryna getting shit straight with ya" ashtray replied.
"Okay I see you tuff guy" Bianca mumbled
Making ashtray roll his eyes and go back to counting the cash. " OH so you get to roll your eyes at me but I can't roll my eyes at you"
"Correct my young lady" ashtray said handing 20 dollars to b, which she quickly snatched from his hand " if you don't got to school ima find you ass and take that money back" Ash said causing Bianca to let out a chuckle at his statement.



Bianca woke up by her phone ringing, seeing ashtrays number light up on the screen.
"Hello" b said "you need a ride to school" ashtray asked "who said I was going to school" be exclaimed "B I ain't playing withchu, get yo ass up I'ma be there in 10"
" wait ash, can you get me some Starbucks"
Ashtray sighed "aight but you gotta be waiting outside when I get there"
"Mk" b dryly replied "B I'm being Fr"
"Aight okay, bye"
Bianca ended the call before he had the chance to say bye back.

"Fuck this shit" B said. She decided to put an alarm at 6:30, 6:35 and 6:40, then decided to go back to sleep knowing damn well her ass was not gonna wake up any time soon.

"BRO Bianca, wtf"ashtray said standing beside Biancas bed. "What" b mumbled " I was waiting 30 minutes for yo ass out there" ashtray complained. "Sorry" b blankly said not really meaning it or giving a fuck about ashtray"okay then I want my $20 dollars back" ash said removing the blankets on top of B. "OKAY, damn purv" B mumbled whilst climbing out of bed watching a slight grin creep up from ash's face.

"TF you looking at" "nun" ash smirked looking down at his phone. Bianca suddenly realized she was wearing shorts, but they had accidentally rid up, making her FAT ASS hang out if em. (Yeah you heard me loud and clear 🤭) "bitch" b said throwing one of her pillows at ash which seemed to not fase him.

" your an hour and 30 minutes late" ashtray complained while pulling into the school parking lot
"Bro my fucking Starbucks is cold" B complained completely ignoring what ashtray had just said.
"Does it look like a give a fuck"
"Well you should, I might catch a cold because of you and then I will never be able to go to school"
Bianca then climbed out of the car "yo here"
Ash said handing $10 dollars too Bianca.
"Thank you ashyknees" Bianca expressed with exitment in her voice "shut the fuck up bro" ash said smiling a little bit at the bright smile that lit up on the girls face.

"Oooo girl I see you got yourself a sugar daddy"
Amy exclaimed making Bianca playfully role her eyes
"Hell yeah his my lil bank account" Bianca said flexing the $10 dollars she had got making Amy giggle.

12:00 lunch cafeteria......

Maddy, Cassie,BB, Kat,Amy and Bianca were sitting in the cafeteria talking about Nate.
"Nate IS most definitely gay" Amy said ending the controversial topic. "This is killing my mood" Maddy said picking in her food. "Mhm" kat hummed.

After a while of the girls gossiping Troy and Roy showed up. " Hey mamas" Troy said sitting next to Bianca. While Roy went up to kiss Amy on her cheek. "Tf do you want Troy" Bianca said clearly annoyed. " Yk we're ash is haven't seen him in a bit" "ye his at the store" "aight thank you mama I'm catch you later" Troy said kissing her forehead. While Bianca flipped him of.

Troy, Roy and McKay were like brothers to Bianca. They didn't tolerate anyone messing with her, i mean except Sarah they made a rule that they'd never "hit girls" . But apart from that they loved each other like siblings.

"So you and Roy" Bianca said nugging Amy on her shoulder. "Dude we just hooked up at the last party that's it" Amy said trying to keep her cool "I'm not judging y'all would look cute together" " OMg actually yes and we could go on cute double dates" "hell nah tf Ashtray would never" Bianca said  "who said a mentioned that bald demon"

"Speaking of  him his been acting like a dad lately" "why" Amy said walking into the girls bathroom " his been like all on my case talking about how school is important and shit"
"Girl it's shows that he cares, I honestly would've appreciated him if I was you"
"Okay Alr I might be over reacting"
" you are he cares about you, he showers you in money, he drives you too school, your living the dream girl" Amy said making Bianca giggle

Maybe she was overreacting, but maybe she wasn't. It was hard for Bianca to know how she felt towards Ashtray, she had always looked at him like a friend and never anything more. Once both of them hit puberty their feelings towards each other had changed. Bianca had realized she had a crush on Ashtray, I mean it wasn't weird he was a fine looking guy. But all she wondered was if he felt the same.

How did y'all like this chapter 🤭
I thought it was kinda mid but oh well 🌚


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