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Biancas pov
Friday 14:35

Today was absolutely horrid Ashtray O'Neil and Troy McKay got into a fight, about what I have no idea, I'm not so worried about them I'm just worried about Amy I wonder if she knows. I found out via Gia they apparently broke out into a fight outside the school grounds
My fist question is wtf is ashtray doing on school grounds as much as I hate to admit it the boy worries me sometimes.

3rd person
If u think Bianca was worried about ash u must be crazy, she might have worried about him a bit but the only person she had on  her mind at that the moment was Amy.

I hope ash didnt fuck him up, or what if ash was the one that got fucked up
Bianca thought to herself she picked up her phone calling ashtray.

no one picked up
"Fuck" Bianca sighed
Should I call Amy, or what if she already knows she has to know , what if she hates my relationship with ashtray now.

Bianca overthinks
"Mum I heading to the store" b yelled from downstairs to her mum
"U need any money"

"No I'm good thank you" b said
"Alright be safe Bianca bye"
"I will Bye" b responded closing the door behind her.

"ASH" b yelled getting into the house
"I'm in my room" ash yelled
B rushed upstairs opening the door to see ashtray taking care of the wounds.
"Ash, what happened" Bianca said with a worrisome look on her face making ashtrays tuff demeanor wipe of glancing at his girlfriend.

"Ash" Bianca said next to him on his bed
Taking the the ointment putting it on cotton and wiping of the blood from his knuckles
Earning a slight flinch from ash.

Ash glared at the floor not laying an eye on Bianca regretting his dessions after seeing her face.

"Ash I swear I won't get mad tell me what happened"
"Troy said sum about fucking a bunch of girls and sh, he was talking about having u on his list and sh I don't remember......"
"I told him to shut up and he just lashed out on me so I did to"

"I'm not mad at u I mean u had ur reasons, but what where u doing on school grounds"

"It's a Friday I was selling a bit" ash said lingering his eyes on the hand b was wrapping up.

Comfortable silence feels the room
"Don't lie b I know you're mad at me" ash cuts the silence.

"I swear I'm bad did u fuck him up?" B asked seeing a smug look apear on ashtrays face.

"Ash" b rolled her eyes at the playful boy
"It's wasn't even that bad, his still alive"

"Ashtray cmon have u forget that thats my cousin's boyfriend I don't want her to hate me cause of that" b said

"It was barely that big" ash repeated once again looking down at the floor.

"When will u you ever stop getting urself in trouble" b rolled her eyes sarcastically.
"Never " ash smirked
"Trust me u will and I will make sure if it"
B said climbing over to sit on ashtrays lap
"Try me" ash says kissing b to stop her from saying anything else until her phone starts ringing
Making ashtray grown
"Hey b"
"Hey Amy, u good" b asks fiddling with ashtrays chain they rested around his neck.

"Uh yeah I'm good, did u here about the fight?" Amy asked hesitantly
"Yeah... is Troy good?" B asked
"I honestly don't know his not picking up his phone, I called Roy but he didn't answer either. I'm worried" Amy explained sounding down.
"I can try calling Mckay"
"Thank u b....I gotta go" Amy said and ended the call before Bianca could respond.

" I feel like Amy's mad at me" Bianca sighed
"It's all gonna be good dw" ashtray hugged Bianca
"....I can apologize to Troy.... If it helps"
Ash suggested looking at Bianca tearing up.
"U don't need to do that" B said wiping her tears away.
"I'm just overreacting don't worry"
Bianca spoke putting a smile on her face, looking at the worried boy in front of her.
"I gotta go home"
"U need a ride" ash asked getting up after Bianca
"No it's good"
"U sure?" The boy asked
"Yeah, don't worry about it" With that said Bianca left.

She might have been overreacting but she didn't want to loose her cousin over some fight. She was pretty much the only relative she was close with.


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